Call: Presence teaching materials

Call: Presence teaching materials

Have you taught others (students, clients, members of the public) about telepresence?

The International Society for Presence Research (ISPR; is compiling materials related to teaching telepresence for possible inclusion on its web site as a service to the academic and professional presence community.

Please consider sending to the following::

  • Your name and affiliation
  • When you began teaching about presence
  • The format of the teaching (face-to-face course, online course, single lecture or seminar, business meetings, other)
  • The audience (undergraduate students, graduate students, business clients, general public, other)
  • Any syllabi, handouts, reading lists, powerpoint files, links to online resources, and/or any other teaching materials you are willing to share (optional)
  • Any details, impressions, or advice about your experience teaching presence that you think would be useful or interesting to others (optional)

Please e-mail your information and materials (if available), and/or your questions or comments, to ISPR at

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