Call: Chapters for 3D Virtual World Learning Handbook

Call for chapters – 3D Virtual World Learning Handbook
Editors: Charles Wankel, St. John’s University, New York, and Randy Hinrichs, 2b3d, Seattle.

This book will include chapters on practical, user-centered, effective teaching and learning applications designed in 3D, using 3D learning theory, process and activities. We welcome chapter proposals on exemplars from business, higher education and non-profit. The emphasis is on showing what works using state-of-the art instructional design in virtual worlds, fostering critical thinking skills and learning communities that persist over time. Though anticipating a preponderance of Second Life applications, we will consider chapters on other virtual worlds that provide access to integrated learning environments with social networking and community. Chapter length can vary, through chapters of roughly 6000 to 8000 words in length are expected. We seek practical applications that can be useful to others as examples of approaches to teaching content in a virtual world.

Chapter proposals should be at least 125 words and provide at a picture of the environment and an overview of the method of instruction used. Your proposal should be accompanied by brief biographies of at least 50 words for EACH of the chapter authors, which should include: current institutional affiliation and position, and contact information (email, phone, and ideally mobile and Skype).  If you are on LinkedIn add the editors using and and include your Avatar Name and Social Networking (i.e., LinkedIn) profile url. Also, included in your brief bio should be a listing of any of your related publications. Chapter proposals and then chapter drafts will undergo several stages of rigorous peer review.

Schedule of due dates:

May 19, 2010:  Proposals/bios sent to and

August 19,  2010: first drafts will be due and submitted to a review process.

September 19, 2010: revision of chapters drafts is undertaken by chapter authors to address suggestions from the reviews..

October 26, 2010: final drafts are due.

January 26, 2011: anticipated date of book’s release.  We have a commitment from a leading publisher for this volume.

Charles Wankel
St. John’s University, New York
Skype:  mgtprof

Randy J. Hinrichs
Managing Partner, 2b3d
Affiliate Faculty for Virtual Worlds, iSchool, University of Washington

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