Call: Experiencing Games: Games, Play, and Players

CFP: Experiencing Games: Games, Play, and Players

August 16-17, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden

Research on games has grown into a research area of its own. This conference aims to bring together researchers in the Nordic countries that focus on the study of games and gaming, be it on-line, computerised, or in the physical world. Based on the Nordic tradition on user-centered design, the first Nordic DIGRA conference will place a particular focus on studying design for player experience, and research on tools and methods for player-participatory design.

We invite submission for full papers and four workshops. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • (game) experience design
  • the play experience
  • collaborative design
  • player involvement in game design
  • methods and tools for studying the game experience
  • game prototyping practices
  • the social and physical context of play
  • game accessibility
  • non-digital game experience
  • game interface design
  • game interfaces beyond the screen, keyboard, mouse and controller
  • player communities
  • pervasive games
  • mobile games

The Nordic DIGRA conference is sponsored by DIGRA (Digital Games Research Association). Travel grants are available for Ph.D. students who present at the conference.

Full paper submission and workshop proposals: April, 30
Notification of acceptance: May, 31
Camera ready version: June, 20
Conference: August 16-17, 2010


Papers submitted are subject to peer review. Workshop proposals are evaluated based on extended abstract; we welcome practical hand-on proposals (e.g., play experience evaluation, game design).

Long papers should be 5 to 8 pages in ACM SIG format and workshop proposal 3 to 4 pages. Detailed submission information and conference web site will be announced briefly.

Selected papers will be published in conference proceeding as well as at Digital Library of Digital Game Research Association DiGRA.

Organizing Committee & more information

Annika Waern, General Chair, annika at
Petri Lankoski, Program Chair, petri.lankoski at
Harko Verhagen, Local Chair, verhagen at
Anne Mette Thorhauge, Publicity Chair, thorhaug at

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