Job: Assistant professor in Computer Science at Grenoble Institute of Technology

Job offer in Grenoble, France

Assistant professor in Computer science (signal processing, programming, embedded systems, …) at Grenoble Institute of Technology with Research in the ICA Laboratory on the field of Virtual reality, haptic and real time simulation, applications in Virtual reality, simulation, computer animation and computer sound synthesis and music. The Job will be available for September 2010.

Grenoble Institute of Technology

Job Offering in Scientific Research and Teaching
University: PHELMA, Grenoble INP
Job: Assistant Professor

CNU Sections:  27, 61 (
Starting date of the Job: September 2010
Research Laboratory: Laboratoire ICA,


Interactive simulation software and hardware developments including force feedback interaction for sciences of nature, industry, arts and communication.

Keywords for the Research Activity

Interactive simulation platforms (sensor & actuators, real-time algorithms and architectures). Digital modeling for sound and image synthesis and force feedback manipulation. Interactive software environments for model design and simulation.

Keywords for the Teaching Activity

The teaching activity will be held in the PHELMA Engineering School of Grenoble Institute of Technology (;

The required competences for the research activities should allow the candidate to insure teaching in the fields of:

Electronical Engineering:
Digital and analog electronics, signal processing, control science, digital servo-control, simulation techniques, physical modelling and simulation, micro-system programming (DSP and FPGA)

And/or Computer Science Engineering:
C/C++ and structured programming, algorithmics, software engineering, operating systems and real-time systems

Research Activities

The research activity will take place within the ICA Laboratory. The virtual objects manipulation and interactive manipulation systems are quickly growing. Similarly the software environments for physical model based sound synthesis and animation synthesis are more and more expected since they provide the synthesized sounds and images and the gesture interaction with a high quality and richness that our perceptual and cognitive system is particularly sensitive to. Therefore, they are required in a number and variety of uses and applications becoming more and more important: from the instrumentation in Natural Sciences (nanoscience, biology, …) to societal uses (telecoms, entertainment, arts , …), from new means for teaching to professional uses.

Consequently, a new effort is yet necessary to specify, develop and produce some design and powerful simulations tools for these purposes. However, the important experience of the laboratory in the development of such tools, shows that these are complex systems. We need facing today a set of novel fundamental issues that will allow to cross a gap on several factors related to such complex systems:

– The changing the size of models: from tens of elements ten years ago, we have now several thousands.

– The introduction of high-level processes to manage complex visual scenes and sounds.

– The “naturalness”, as when based in physical interaction, in cooperation between the sounds, images and gestures as well as the ability to have a gesture interaction with these models, to help develop natural and multisensory virtual objects.

– The quest for high naturalness of physical interaction: it requires hardware devices and new software which does not correspond to any current standard commercial offering. This concerns as well the implementation of gestural force feedback devices as the computing architecture that supports real-time simulation with high demands on bandwidth, responsiveness and determinism.

– The scaling shifts in the design tools and interactive simulations that should make them possible to design and manage huge amount of physical models and simulation results.

The applicant will be responsible to invest part or all of these subjects and progressively to play a role of responsibility in research and development of interactive simulation environments for the laboratory. Ultimately, these simulators should be more transportable, portable and / or embedded.

According to his (her) preferences, his (her) center of gravity may lie either in the multisensory interactive simulation environments associated activities, either in sound design, or visual and multimedia creation environments. However, the various systems for these different uses are, in principle, declinations of same general principles that should be applied to each of them. The applicant will therefore play a central role in the organization of the laboratory.

The applicant should have to act in technological and teaching platforms such as the “Art – Science – Technology” Platform, which is a part of the ASD (Advanced Signal Processing) Platform of the PHELMA Engineering School and the “Nano-world” Platform of the CIME Nanotech (Centre interuniversitaire de microélectronique et de nanotechnologies, He (she) may be required to take teaching and technical responsibility in the Art-Science-Technology teaching Research Master ( and to gradually get the responsibility of this Master.

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