Call: The Live Art Almanac

Call for recommendations and submissions for The Live Art Almanac – Vol. 2

An international publication of writing on and around Live Art

Deadline: 31 December 2009

The Live Art Almanac Vol. 2 is a publication produced and published by the Live Art Development Agency (London, UK) in partnership with Live Art UK, Performance Space 122 (New York, USA), and Performance Space (Sydney, Australia).

The Live Art Almanac Vol. 2 will be published in 2010 and will draw together recent writings about and around Live Art** – from reviews, interviews and news stories, to cultural commentaries and “private” communications. It aims to be both a useful resource and a good read for artists, writers, students and others interested in Live Art.

Recommendations for, and submissions to, The Live Art Almanac Vol. 2 may be any length up to 5,000 words. The material must be engaging, provocative, and thoughtful writing on and around the contemporary cultural landscape in which Live Art practice sits and must shed light on the various debates and ideas in circulation within that landscape. You may submit your own writing but we really want you to tell us about interesting material you have read. The submission must have been written between July 2008 and December 2009.

The first Live Art Almanac primarily contained material about and by British-based artists and writers. The Live Art Almanac Vol. 2 will be published in English, but encourages international submissions as well as texts in translation previously published in other languages.

For more detailed information on this call for recommendations and submissions visit

Recommendations should be emailed to contact(at) with `Almanac´ in the subject line.  The deadline for all recommendations is 31 December 2009.

Please also contact contact(at) if you have any questions.

The (first) Live Art Almanac is available to purchase from Unbound – – for only £5.00.

**The term Live Art is not a description of an artform or discipline, but a cultural strategy to include experimental processes and experiential practices that might otherwise be excluded from established curatorial, cultural and critical frameworks. Live Art is a framing device for a catalogue of approaches to the possibilities of liveness by artists who chose to work across, in between, and at the edges of more traditional artistic forms.

Please also refer to “What is Live Art?”:

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