Call: Time in a Bottle: Containers and Criticisms of Nostalgia, a free in-person and virtual symposium

Call for Participation

Time in a Bottle: Containers and Criticisms of Nostalgia
A Hybrid Symposium Organized by the NOSTAGAIN NETWORK
February 2, 2024, 10:00 – 18:00 (EST)
Montreal, Canada and online (free)

My name is Richy Srirachanikorn from the Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) lab.

Co-founded there since 2022, The NOSTAGAIN NETWORK is now proud to launch its hybrid symposium on the Friday 2nd February at Concordia University, Montréal.

It will last from 10:00 – 18:00 (EST).

We have compiled a super fantastic line-up of 24 presenters from junior to seasoned scholars, professional artists, and research creationers to explore NOSTALGIC OBJECTS and OBJECTS FOR NOSTALGI(ZING).


The Psychology of Video Games
(Dr. Nick Bowman and collaborators, Syracuse University)

Character Rehabilitation in Coming-of-Age Video Games
(Dr. Maxime Deslongchamps-Gagnon, University of Montréal)

The Conservative Comfort of Wholesome Games
(Dr. Rainforest Scully-Blaker, Tampere University)

World of Warcraft and Nostalgic Disjuncture
(Dr. Marc Lajeunesse, Concordia University)

Modding, Re-releases, and Platformization of Nostalgia
(Alex Custodio, Concordia University)

The Future Ludic Post-Communist Nostalgia
(Dr. Diego Mejía-Alandia, University of Seville)

Nostalgia Invoked by Video Games, Tami Culture
(Shashvat Singh and collaborators, Uppsala University, Sweden)

Click-Wheel Capitalism; iPod as Boundary Object
(Dr. Morgan Bimm, St. Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia)

Full line-up:

A wholehearted thank you to the Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) lab for operating as the baseplate to our network since 2022, now embarking onto our second year!


Zoom register link:

In-Person (Montréal):

Event Date: Friday 2nd February 2024, 10:00 – 18:00 (EST)


Derek Pasborg – Communications
Richy Srirachanikorn – Outreach


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