[Apologies for re-posting but we want to get as much input from the presence community (and beyond) as possible.]
ISPR News and Call for Participation:
Help choose the location and timing of PRESENCE 2024
As those who’ve attended them know, ISPR’s PRESENCE conferences, held in cities from Suffolk, England in 1998 to Prague in 2018 and most recently online during the pandemic, have always been productive and enjoyable professional and social events. They’re single-track, informal and everyone there is interested in presence. The panels are organized and scheduled to take advantage of our physical copresence (!) and encourage interesting, useful, unrushed discussions that continue during breaks and meals.
We’re now planning the first in-person PRESENCE conference since before the pandemic, PRESENCE 2024, and we’d really appreciate your input. Please take literally just a few minutes to fill out a short web survey to tell us your preferences for where and when the presence community will meet next year. And please forward this to anyone you think might be interested in attending!
If you have any questions, feel free to email me directly at lombard@temple.edu.
–Matthew (President, ISPR)
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