Call for Papers
ICWL 2023
22nd International Conference on Web-based Learning
November 26-28, 2023
Sydney, Australia
Paper submission deadline (extended): August 18, 2023
ICWL is an annual International Conference on Web-based Learning, founded by the Hong Kong Web Society. The first ICWL was held in Hong Kong in 2002. Since then, ICWL has been held in Australia (2003), China (2004, 2008, 2010, 2015, 2020), Hong Kong (2005, 2011), Malaysia (2006), United Kingdom (2007), Germany (2009, 2019), Romania (2012), Taiwan (2013), Estonia (2014), Italy (2016), South Africa (2017), Thailand (2018), Macao (2021) and Spain (2022).
The 22nd ICWL will be held on November 26-28, 2023 at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. It will feature a technical program of refereed papers selected by the international program committee, and keynote addresses offered by eminent scholars.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Assessment in e-learning
- Informal Learning in the Workplace
- Cloud-based Learning
- Computer Support for Intelligent Tutoring
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
- Deployment, Organization and Management of Learning Objects
- Design, Model and Framework of e-Learning Systems
- Digital libraries and Web corpora for e-learning
- E-Learning Metadata and Standards
- E-Learning Platforms and Tools
- Game-based Learning and Serious Games
- HTML5 Web-based Learning
- Human Factors and Affective Computing for Learning
- Informal Learning in the Workplace
- Intelligent Learner and Group Modelling
- Intelligent Tools for Visual Learning
- Learning Analytics
- Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
- Mobile, Situated, and Blended Learning
- Open educational resources (OER)
- Pedagogical Issues
- Personal Learning Environments (PLE)
- Personalized and Adaptive Learning
- Security and Privacy of Web-based Learning
- Semantic Web and Ontologies for e-Learning
- Virtual environments and 3D graphics for e-learning
- Web 2.0 and Social Learning Environments
- Web-based Learning for Oriental Languages Learning
Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting on research results or novel applications in technology-enhanced learning. Submissions will be handled through EasyChair:
Papers for submission should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS Authors Guidelines ( Formats for the submissions are either Full Paper (12-15 pages) or Short Paper (6-11 pages), including main content and references. Since the review process will be double-blind, the submitted manuscript should not contain the authors’ names, affiliations, or any information that may disclose the authors’ identity. All papers should be submitted in PDF format.
All accepted papers presented at the conference will be published as a volume in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Paper submission: July 28, 2023 (extended deadline)
Notification to authors: September 1, 2023
Camera-ready submission: September 15, 2023
General Co-Chairs:
- Guandong Xu, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Elvira Popescu, University of Craiova, Romania
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
- Haoran Xie, Lingnan University, Hong Kong
- Chiu-Lin Lai, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan
- Wei Chen, Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS, China
Steering Committee Representatives:
- Qing Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- Rynson W.H. Lau, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Workshop Co-Chairs:
- Luigi Laura, International Telematic University Uninettuno, Italy
- Robin Braun, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Nana Jin, Shenzhen University, China
Publicity Co-Chairs:
- Ivana Marenzi, Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany
- Minjie Hu, Wellington Institute of Technology, New Zealand
- Junjie Wu, Shenzhen Technology University, China
Local Organization Co-Chairs:
- Huan Huo, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
- Md Rafiqul Islam, Australian Institute of Higher Education, Australia
Web Chair:
- Kaize Shi, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
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