Call for Papers
1st Joint Workshop on Cross Reality
To be held in conjunction with the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2023)
Sydney, Australia and Online
October 16, 2023
ISMAR 2023:
October 16-20, 2023
Submissions deadline: July 17, 2023
We invite researchers, practitioners, and designers to participate in the 1st Joint Workshop on Cross Reality (CR).
Cross Reality (CR) is an emerging technology that focuses on the concurrent usage of or the transition between multiple systems at different points on the reality-virtuality continuum (RVC), including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Virtuality (AV), and Augmented Reality (AR). CR has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential for revolutionizing various research and industry areas where users need to comprehend and explore spatial data and its relevant information in different forms. It is expected that in the near future, more CR applications will arise to allow users to transition along the individual stages of the RVC or to collaborate in-between these stages to use their distinct advantages and mitigate their potential problems.
CR VISUALIZATION refers to the ability to create and display abstract or inherently spatial data along the RVC. The visual representations of a Cross-Reality system offer different degrees of virtuality to users and enable users to seamlessly move back and forth across the reality-virtuality continuum.
CR INTERACTION allows users to naturally and intuitively engage with real and virtual objects and environments. CR enables various forms of interaction, including hand gestures, voice commands, haptic feedback, and eye-tracking. Advanced interaction techniques for object manipulation, locomotion, and spatial interaction enhance the level of immersion and interactivity in CR experiences, enabling users to seamlessly perform complex tasks and interactions.
CR USER BEHAVIOR AND EXPERIENCE are concerned with how users perceive and respond to visual content in CR environments. CR technology enables users to immerse themselves in virtual or augmented reality spaces, allowing them to interact with and seamlessly transition between virtual and physical environments and objects.
CR DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT is concerned with processes, methods, and tools to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of design and development teams tasked with creating CR applications and systems. Testing and evaluation are a substantial part of these processes.
CR COLLABORATION is an area of growing interest, as it allows users to work together in real and virtual environments using different interaction techniques and interfaces with different degrees of virtuality. Collaborative CR experiences have the potential to enhance local, remote, and hybrid communication, foster creativity, and improve decision-making in various domains such as design, training, and education.
Five separate workshops on individual CR topics have been held in the past three years. This workshop will bring together the community of CR researchers and aims to establish the research area further. The goal of the workshop is to explore the current challenges, solutions, and opportunities in the field of CR and provide a comprehensive overview of the related research on the design of interactive techniques for effective CR visualization, interaction, collaboration, user experience, and behavior. We are particularly interested in blurring the lines between and merging the virtual and physical worlds to support users in understanding data in different forms. The workshop provides a forum for researchers from VR/AV/AR, visualization, HCI, and related fields to present their technical and systems papers that introduce new approaches, ideas, discussions, and applications.
We welcome position paper submissions from 2-4 pages long, excluding references. All paper submissions must be in English. Paper quality versus length will be assessed according to a contribution-per-page judgment. All submissions will be accepted or rejected as workshop papers. All accepted papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Cross-reality environment design: virtuality and reality
- Visual representations in cross-reality systems
- Cross-reality transitions across multiple interfaces
- Cross-reality interaction
- Multimodal interaction, perception, and cognition
- Real-world tool use and tangibles as input to CR systems
- Input and output devices
- Collaborative cross-reality immersive analytics
- Collaboration across the reality-virtuality continuum
- Cross-reality user experience
- Cross-reality user behavior
- Cross-reality tools, frameworks, and APIs
- Testing Cross-reality systems
- Design guidelines for Cross-reality applications
- Evaluation of Cross-reality experiences and systems
- Cross-reality applications and scenarios
- Cross-reality use cases in, e.g., education, industry, transportation, sports, healthcare
Selected papers will be recommended for a special journal issue linked to this workshop. These revised papers are expected to have 30-40% new materials and will be reviewed by the same reviewers from the technical committee to allow for a fast review process.
- Submissions deadline: July 17th
- Acceptance notifications: August 7th
- Camera-ready versions: August 21st
- Workshop day: October 16th
The workshop will be held in conjunction with ISMAR 2023. We plan to offer our workshop in a hybrid format, meaning we will offer both online and in-person participation for our attendees.
Find our workshop website here:
Workshop Structure:
This will be a half-day to a full-day workshop with a mixture of presentations of short position papers and group work discussing important topics for current and future research. Position papers will each be presented for ten minutes, while thirty to sixty minutes will be allocated for the group discussion activity. It will be a hybrid event supporting both face-to-face and online participation. A discord channel will be created, enabling people to discuss the workshop topic both before and after the ISMAR event.
We welcome position paper submissions from 2-4 pages long, excluding references. All paper submissions must be in English. Paper quality versus length will be assessed according to a contribution-per-page judgment. All submissions will be accepted or rejected as workshop papers. All accepted papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Detailed submission and review guidelines are available on the workshop website at the link:
All paper submissions must be made through EasyChair using the link:
- Hai-Ning Liang (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)
- Hans-Christian Jetter (Universität zu Lübeck)
- Frank Maurer (University of Calgary)
- Uwe Gruenefeld (University of Duisburg-Essen)
- Mark Billinghurst (University of South Australia and University of Auckland)
- Christoph Anthes (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)
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