Call: TEI 2024, 18th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction

Call for Papers

TEI 2024: 18th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction
February 11-14, 2024
Cork, Ireland

Abstract submission deadline: July 25, 2023
Full submission deadline: August 1, 2023

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce that the call for papers for TEI 2024 is now out!

TEI 2024 is the 18th annual conference presenting the latest results in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. It brings together researchers, practitioners, businesses, artists, designers and students from various disciplines, including engineering, interaction design, computer science, product design, media studies and the arts.

The conference theme will be “On the Edge”, which echoes the city and country’s location that will host TEI’24. Ireland and the City of Cork are on the edge of Europe, sometimes resulting in a sense of disconnection but also openness. We want to look at the positive and thought-provoking aspects of this by celebrating cutting-edge scientific research and art on the edge of disciplines.


Authors are invited to submit high-quality papers advancing this rapidly developing field. There is no maximum (or minimum) paper length: authors are encouraged to submit papers with a length proportional to their contribution. We invite submissions from various perspectives: theoretical, philosophical, conceptual, technical, applied, and/or artistic. We highlight the following non-exclusive set of contribution types:

  • Artifact: We welcome the submission of research artefacts that advance state of the art in the TEI field. Artefacts can demonstrate new technologies (e.g., new sensing techniques or algorithms), new forms of input (e.g., novel interaction techniques) or new designs (e.g., provocative or evocative objects, systems or services).
  • Method: Tools, approaches and techniques that enable to study, research and work on TEI. Methods can include new study design or data analysis forms and new engineering processes or frameworks that can structure and constrain generative design activity.
  • Theory: Explorations, extensions, refutations, instantiations and other developments of and to the theories on TEI, such as theories of cognition or the mind, designerly theories, and conceptual frameworks.
  • Empirical: Studies and data that add to our understanding of TEI by, for example, providing quantitative accounts of salient aspects of human performance or qualitative characterisations of experiences with tangible artefacts and systems. Empirical submissions can detail outcomes from lab, field, and online studies.

Accepted submissions of all contribution types will be included as papers in the conference proceedings, which will be available in the ACM Digital Library.

For more information, visit the conference website:


  • Abstract Deadline: 25 July 2023
  • Full submission Deadline: 01 August 2023
  • Notification of conditional acceptance: 9 October 2023
  • TEI 2024 conference: 11-14 February 2024 in Cork (Ireland)

Best regards,

TEI 2024 Program Chairs (,
Tanja Döring, University of Bremen
Tom Jenkins, IT University of Copenhagen
Jelle van Dijk, University Twente


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