Call for Contributions
The 20th EuroXR International Conference – EuroXR 2023
November 28-30, 2023
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Submission deadline for scientific papers: April 24, 2023
The EuroXR Association ( would like to invite researchers and practitioners in the field of XR to contribute to the 20th EuroXR International Conference – EuroXR 2023. This year, the EuroXR Conference will be collocated with Immersive Tech Week (formerly VRDays). It will be held with in-person attendance so that participants will get a more satisfying and enriching experience.
We seek original, high-quality contributions in all areas related to virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and 3D user interfaces.
Deadline scientific papers: April 24, 2023
Notifications: June 12, 2023
Rebuttal deadline: June 19, 2023
Final notifications: July 3, 2023
Camera-ready: September 18, 2023
Conference: November 28-30, 2023
Each deadline is 23:59:59 AoE
EuroXR specifically covers but is not limited to the following topics.
Human factors
- User studies on all topics related to XR
- Presence, realism, validity, fidelity
- 3D user interfaces and/or 3D interaction metaphors
- Self-representation and embodiment, avatars, virtual humans
- Cybersickness and side effects
- Perception and cognition
- Cost-effectiveness and cost efficiency
- Ethical procedures and guidelines
- Cybersecurity, data protection and other legal issues
- XR system architecture
- Collaborative and distributed XR
- Augmented Reality and mobile devices
- Augmented virtuality
- Novel input devices
- Tracking and motion technologies
- Advances in display technologies
- Image-based 3D modeling and rendering
- Realistic rendering of dynamic or complex scenes
- 3D audio rendering and related technologies
- Haptics and force-feedback, algorithms, systems, and devices
- Real-time audio rendering and interfaces
- Real-time modeling & simulation
- Immersive collaboration: technologies, use cases, management
- Immersive analytics: interactions, models, architectures
- Artificial intelligence for XR
- Virtual humans for XR
- Crowd simulations
- Teleoperation and telepresence
- Industrial applications
- Aerospace and Transport
- Construction and Architecture
- Manufacturing and Engineering
- Consumer neuroscience
- Organizational neuroscience
- Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Product and Process design
- Robotics
- Training and Education
- Cultural heritage
- Creative Practice
- Serious Gaming and Edutainment
- Scientific papers (full, medium, or short) must describe novel research results and will be published in a Springer LNCS volume (Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
- Application papers are meant to describe practical use cases of XR technologies and will be published in an ISBN-registered proceedings, edited by VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.
- Posters may present preliminary results or work-in-progress of research or application projects.
- Demos may accompany any type of submission or be submitted independently (with a short description).
In the scientific track, authors can choose between:
- Full paper: 14-20 pages in the Springer format (about eight pages in traditional two-column format) with ~30 minutes of presentation at the conference
- Medium paper: 8-12 pages in Springer’s format with ~20 minutes of presentation
- Short paper: 4-6 pages Springer format with ~10 minutes presentation. This type is meant for work-in-progress, position papers, and similar content.
Submissions to the application track will consist of a 2-4 pages extended abstract.
More information about the application track will appear soon on the conference web page.
The review process will be performed in two stages. During the first stage, all submissions will be reviewed by at least three independent reviewers, and notifications will be sent to the authors. Authors will then have an opportunity to clarify issues identified by the reviewers. In the second stage, the reviewers will make a final recommendation on the paper.
Submissions have to be uploaded to the submission management system of Springer (EquinOCS). More information on this and formatting instructions will appear soon on the conference web page.
Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously published. A manuscript is considered to have been previously published if it has appeared in a peer-reviewed journal, magazine, book or conference proceedings that is reliably and permanently available afterwards in print or electronic form to non-attendees, regardless of the language of that publication. A manuscript identical or substantially similar in content (in its entirety or in part) to one submitted to EuroXR should not be simultaneously under consideration for another conference or journal during any part of the review process, from the submission deadline until final notifications of decisions are emailed to the authors.
Submissions (including citations and optional videos) should not contain information that identifies the authors, their institutions, funding sources, or their places of work. Relevant previous work by the authors should be cited in the third person to preserve anonymity.
In case of acceptance, at least one author is expected to present the paper in person at the conference.
Scientific Program Chairs:
Krzysztof Walczak, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bremen, Germany
Omar A. Niamut, TNO, The Netherlands
Mariano Alcañiz, LabLENI/UPV, Spain
General Chairs:
Greg Welch, UCF, Florida, USA
Patrick Bourdot, University Paris-Saclay, VENISE team, France
Benjamin de Witt, Director Immersive Tech Week, Rotterdam, Netherlands
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