Call for Participation
A one-day workshop @ CHI 2023, ACM Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) Conference
In-person, Hamburg, Germany: April 23 or 28, 2023 (to be confirmed)
Remote: May, 2023 (exact day to be determined)
CHI 2023 Conference:
April 23-28, 2023
Hamburg, Germany
Submission deadline: February 23, 2023
Imagine things start engaging us in ethical debate, and demand we regard them as moral counterparts. Such moral agents present a potential new form of human-technology relation, and a new way of driving sustainability – with autonomous systems that transparently state and deliberate their embedded values with users, or speak for otherwise voiceless stakeholders like future generations, species, or ecosystems. [For more background please visit]
To jointly articulate key questions and possible futures of moral agents for sustainable transitions, this one-day CHI 2023 workshop convenes HCI, AI, behaviour change, and critical and speculative design researchers and practitioners.
The workshop invites participants to bring position pieces and creative artefacts, and will mix keynotes by Peter-Paul Verbeek and Marc Hassenzahl with short presentations, and a mini-barcamp with design fiction to imagine and reflect on opportunities and issues of moral agents, which will form the basis of an edited book.
Interested researchers should submit either a short (up to 1,500 words excluding references) position piece presenting an issue, opportunity, or perspective around moral agents, or an annotated creative artefact (speculative or realised). Accepted participants can join either a remote 5-hour session in May 2023, or an in-person one-day session in Hamburg. Please note that all participants must register for both the workshop at and least one day of the CHI 2023 conference.
Peter-Paul Verbeek:
Peter-Paul Verbeek is one of the foremost contemporary technology philosophers and ethicists. He will discuss moral agents as a new form of human-technology relation from the perspective of his theory of technological mediation.
Marc Hassenzahl:
A leading voice in user experience research, Marc Hassenzahl advances the theory and practice of designing pleasurable, meaningful, and transforming interactive technologies. His recent work on otherware and meaningful futures with robots explores how design can cultivate autonomous systems as social counterparts.
Submissions due: 23:59 AOE, February 23, 2023
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2023
In-person workshop: April 23 or 28, 2023 (tbc)
Remote workshop: May, 2023 (exact day tbd)
We invite interested researchers and practitioners to submit position pieces or annotated creative artefacts related to moral agents for sustainability transitions. All submissions should be made through the workshop Easychair submission system at by the submission deadline of 23:59 AOE on February 23, 2023.
POSITION PIECES should be up to 1,500 words long (excluding references) and present an issue, opportunity, or perspective around moral agents, including but not limited to:
- Social-psychological mechanisms: Understanding how people interact with moral agents, when and why they ascribe moral status and agency to systems, and how moral agents can further sustainable transitions, building on affective computing, HRI, and socially interactive agents [33]
- Design: How to design acceptable, effective, responsible systems that people attribute moral agency to
- Ethics and politics: How to ethically move from value-sensitive to value-driven design, and from interactive systems as passive embodiments or mediators of human moral agency and values to systems as independent moral agents or moral representatives of other actors
Position pieces should be submitted as a single PDF using the ACM article template (single-column, not anonymised, use “\documentclass[manuscript,review]{acmart}”.
ANNOTATED CREATIVE ARTEFACTS can be speculative (e.g., concept sketches) or realized. They should be submitted as a single PDF with some artist statement or design rationale explaining how the artefact relates to the workshop topic, and should display the creative artefact itself. If useful, the PDF may contain a URL to an existing online portfolio site or additional files like videos, executables, images, and the like that constitute or showcase the artefact.
All submissions will be jury-reviewed by the organizing committee, and we will accept up to 55 participants: 25 onsite and 30 online. Selection criteria are (a) variety of topics and perspectives, (b) quality, (c) expected enhancement to the workshop, and (d) contribution to the HCI community.
Accepted participants can join either an in-person one-day session in Hamburg in April 2023 (23 or 28, exact date tbc with CHI), or a remote one-day session in May 2023 (date tbd with participants). Please note that all participants must register for both the workshop at and least one day of the CHI 2023 conference. CHI will publish registration fees soon. Based on past CHI fees, we expect one-day event + workshop early registration fees to be in the range of US$170-250 per participant.
For questions about the workshop, submissions, etc. you can contact both Matthias Laschke or Sebastian Deterding.
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