Inclusive HRI II: Equity and Diversity in Design, Application, Methods, and Community (DEI HRI 2023)
A Workshop at ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2023)
Stockholm, Sweden, as well as virtually on Hopin and Zoom
March 13, 2023
HRI 2023:
- Deadline for Paper and Survey Submission: January 15th, 2023
- Paper Acceptance Notification: February 1st, 2023
- Camera-Ready Paper: March 1st, 2023
- Workshop date: March 13th, 2023
Although being a pressing issue, an understanding of how robotic systems can replicate and amplify inequalities and injustice among underrepresented communities is still to be achieved within the Human-Robot Interaction (HRl) community.
This workshop contributes to filling this gap by exploring the research questions: What do Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) mean in the context of HRI? How can we promote DEI in HRI? Our goal is to raise awareness on the importance of including DEI aspects in HRI to avoid exacerbating existing or creating new biases. This workshop will center around the themes of DEI in HRI.
In addition, the workshop will further engage participants on the problem of sampling biases through hands-on co-design activities for mitigating inequity and exclusion within the field of HRI. An additional goal of this workshop is to build a community and solidarity among researchers in HRI who work on and are affected by the various and related issues around DEI.
The DEI 2023 workshop will consist of two parts.
The goal of Part 1 is to provide a forum to share experiences and research insights on identifying, addressing, and integrating DEI aspects in HRI, including robot design, applications, research methods, and the community. Sampling bias is a community-level challenge. Part 2 will introduce hands-on co-design activities for immediate practical changes in HRI.
We invite research students/researchers to participate for both parts with the following submissions:
Part 1:
We invite participants to submit extended abstracts (up to 2 pages, excluding references) or short papers (up to 4 pages, excluding references) on a range of topics relevant to these questions and to DEI in HRI in general. Submissions may present work-in-progress research, position papers, critical essays, and summaries of already published research from all areas of HRI. Since we hope to learn from other fields of knowledge and form new connections with related research communities, we also welcome submissions from researchers outside of the HRI community.
Authors should submit their papers on EasyChair (
Papers should be formatted according to the ACM two-column format (
Submissions will be evaluated according to their fit to the workshop theme, and their adherence to the scientific standards of the discipline of origin. The workshop proceedings will be made publicly available on our website.
Part 2:
We invite participants to fill a survey ( related to the incorporation of diversity factors (e.g., gender, domain expertise, education level etc.) and challenges in recruiting participants in human-robot interaction studies. The collected data will be used, in anonymous form, as the basis for the workshop activities. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes.
Topics of interest for the short papers/abstracts include, but are not limited to:
- Accessibility
- Bias in AI/ML algorithms
- Disability and Ableism
- Gender issues
- LGBTQIA+ issues
- Inclusive education
- Intersectional feminism
- Issues of representation
- Neurodiversity
- Racism
- The global south
The topics above can address one or more of the following domains:
- HRI design
- HRI applications
- HRI research methods
- HRI community
Ana Tanevska (Uppsala University, Sweden). Trust and social cognition in HRI.
Shruti Chandra (University of Waterloo, Canada). Socially-assistive robots, inter-generational gameplay and well-being of people.
Giulia Barbareschi (Keio School of Media Design, Japan). Technologies to empower people with disabilities living in different parts of the world.
Amy Eguchi (UC San Diego, USA). CS education and AI literacy through the use of robotics in K-12 classrooms.
Zhao Han (Colorado School of Mines, USA). Explanation, language and AR in HRI.
Raj Korpan (Iona University, USA). Robot navigation, explainable AI, and cognitive models.
Anastasia K. Ostrowski (MIT, USA). Equitable design of robots and design education through Design Justice and participatory design approaches.
Giulia Perugia (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands). Social Robotics, Social Psychology, and Inclusive HRI.
Sindhu Ravindranath (IFHE University & ICFAI, India). Communication theories, HRI, health communications, and qualitative analysis.
Katie Seaborn (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan). Voice-based agents, inclusive design with older adults, and intersectionality in critical computing.
Katie Winkle (Uppsala University, Sweden). Trustworthy Human-Robot Interaction.
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