Call: “Conceptual Engineering and Socially Disruptive Technologies” issue of Ethics and Information Technology

[Note: See the journal’s website for other presence-related Calls. –Matthew]

Call for Papers

Special Issue on Conceptual Engineering and Socially Disruptive Technologies
Journal: Ethics and Information Technology

Submission deadline: February 28, 2023

Despite its “engineering” metaphor, little work on conceptual engineering has focused on the role of technology in changing and disrupting concepts. In the philosophy of technology, by contrast, increasing attention is given to the ways in which technologies challenge fundamental ethical and ontological concepts.

The aim of this special issue of Ethics & Information Technology is to explore questions at the intersection of conceptual engineering and philosophy of technology (including AI). We encourage contributions from different philosophical backgrounds and intercultural traditions, as well as interdisciplinary approaches.

Possible questions to address are, but not limited to:

  • How do socially disruptive technologies affect foundational ontological and ethical concepts, such as NATURE, REALITY, AGENCY, etc.?
  • What are the mechanisms by which technologies can change concepts?
  • What implications does conceptual change have for engineering design?
  • How do conceptual change, value change and technology relate?
  • How, does work on conceptual engineering in the philosophy of technology affect foundational questions about conceptual engineering?
  • Under what conditions should conceptual engineers intervene in a classificatory practice?
  • When should we push back against conceptual changes induced by technologies?
  • Is there something distinctive about the technological disruption of concepts, as opposed to other kinds of conceptual disruption?
  • How do technologies mediate concepts?

Guest Editors:

  • Guido Löhr (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • Jeroen Hopster (University of Utrecht)
  • Herman Veluwenkamp (University of Groningen/Delft University of Technology)
  • Sebastian Köhler (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management)

We welcome original research papers (5000-9000 words).

All submissions will undergo a double blind peer-review process.

Submission deadline: 28 February, 2023

Submissions can be made through the Ethics and Information Technology website:

For any further information please contact the editorial team:

Or one of the guest editors (e.g., Guido Löhr):


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