Call: Engaging with Automation theme issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

Call for Papers

Engaging with Automation: Understanding and designing for operation, appropriation, and behavior change
Theme issue of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

Submissions due: September 30, 2022

Guest Editors:
Peter Fröhlich, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria,
Matthias Baldauf, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland,
Virpi Roto, Aalto University, Finland,
Philippe Palanque, Université Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III, France,
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg & AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria,

Automation permeates our everyday lives.

Given both the ubiquity and, in many cases, the indispensability of ubiquitous automated systems, creating engaging experiences with them is increasingly relevant.

The objective of this theme issue is to explore the interplay of engagement and automation from a multi-disciplinary perspective.

We are interested in contributions to advance understanding of three levels of engagement with automation:

  1. ENGAGEMENT FOR OPERATION: how can users be enticed to consume, monitor and operate an automated system in a contextually suitable way?
  2. ENGAGEMENT FOR APPROPRIATION: what are recommendable ways to actively appropriate the automated system for own purposes?
  3. ENGAGEMENT FOR BEHAVIOR CHANGE: how can increasingly autonomous systems take initiative to entice humans for attitude and behavior change?


Topics of interest include but are not restricted to:

  • Engage for Operation
    • How can non-experts be engaged before and during their first encounter with an automated system to a level that they comprehend its capabilities and potential risks?
    • How to design take over requests that entice operators for interventions and highlight potential consequences?
    • How to support long-term engagement with automated systems?
    • How can automated engagement be designed in a gender and diversity sensitive manner that responds to differing motivations, competency levels and realities and ensures accessibility for different types of users?
  • Engage for Appropriation
    • What are users’ requirements regarding the adaptation of automated processes and how to address and design for them in different domains?
    • What impact has the adaptability of automated processes on the user’s automation experience?
    • How can automated processes be tailored joyfully by non-expert users?
    • How can users contribute their tacit knowledge to automated processes?
  • Engage for Behavior Change
    • How to define the right level of automation to reach users with interventions?
    • How can engaging automation be designed in an ethically aware manner, enabling for a transparent behavioral goal definition and validation?
    • How to prevent reactance with regard to behavioral recommendations issued by automated systems?
    • What are the interaction design practices to ensure automation integrity in different types of projects and contexts?


Submissions due:  September 30, 2022
1st notification to authors:  October 31, 2022
2nd notification to authors:  November 30 2022
Final versions:  December 23, 2022


Submissions should be original papers and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Extended versions of high-quality conference papers that are already published at relevant venues may also be considered as long as the additional contribution is substantial (at least 30% new content).

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During the first submission step in Editorial Manager select ‘Original article’ as the article type. In further steps you should confirm that your submission belongs to this special issue by choosing the special issue title from the drop-down menu.

All papers will be peer-reviewed. Before any special issue is given final approval to be put into production, additional rigorous integrity checks are carried out by the editor-in-chief, editorial team, production office and by Springer Nature.

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