Call: Workshop on Prototyping Cross-Reality Systems at ISMAR 2022

Call for Submissions

Workshop on Prototyping Cross-Reality Systems
To be held in conjunction with the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2022)
October 17th or 21st, 2022 (Monday or Friday)
ISMAR 2022:

Submissions deadline: July 21, 2022 (Thursday) (EXTENDED)

We invite researchers, practitioners, and designers to participate in the first workshop on prototyping cross-reality systems. Cross-reality (CR) systems offer different levels of virtuality to their users, enabling them to either transition along the reality-virtuality continuum or collaborate with each other across different manifestations. Many Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) systems are inherently cross reality since the amount of augmentation of the physical world (AR) or the influence of the physical environment (VR) varies over time. However, traditional prototyping approaches often focus on one specific manifestation, and so are less feasible for prototyping CR systems.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together a community of researchers, practitioners, and designers who are interested in prototyping for cross-reality interactions and systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Cross-Reality Prototyping Challenges
  • Hardware and/or Software Cross-Reality Prototypes
  • Cross-Reality User and Bystander Interaction
  • Cross-Reality Design Principles
  • Evaluation of Cross-Reality Experiences and Systems
  • Cross-Reality Prototyping Tools (low/medium/high fidelity)
  • Privacy and Security in Cross-Reality Systems
  • Application Domains Benefiting from Cross-Reality Systems


We invite a variety of submissions: short papers (2-4 pages), posters (format: A1 or A0), video demonstrations (max. 5 minutes), and research statements (between 200 and 500 words long).

SHORT PAPERS We invite papers of two to four pages in length, excluding references. Submissions should follow the IEEE Computer Society VGTC format for their submissions. Authors could discuss previously published results, present work-in-progress, lay out a (provocative) position based on the current cross-reality research field, or discuss their (10-year) vision within the cross-reality and prototyping field. Each paper will be allocated a dedicated slot in the program for a talk. This will be followed by a panel-like discussion, in which we provide a shared space to discuss several related papers at once.

POSTERS We invite poster submissions that follow similar topics as for the short paper submissions. Compared to short papers, posters are expected to present a less substantial contribution and are discussed in an open space to foster networking. Posters should be in A0 or A1. For the submission as PDF, please scale the poster down to normal paper size (US letter or A4).

VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS We are looking for implementations and evaluations of novel and interesting concepts or systems related to CR prototyping and cross-reality interaction. Video demos can be up to 5 minutes (ideally between three to five minutes), and will also be presented in an open space together with the poster submissions.

RESEARCH STATEMENTS We invite people interested in attending the workshop to share their opinion about a specific workshop-related topic. Research statements should be between 200 and 500 words.


All submissions will be treated equally. Submissions will be reviewed by one workshop organizer and two authors of another submission. We expect a larger number of workshop submissions from early career researchers (ECRs). Therefore, we want to provide an opportunity for ECRs to gain reviewing experience, while maintaining a fair balance of senior and junior reviewers for each submission. Final acceptance will be determined by the workshop organizers. The workshop’s papers will be published in ISMAR 2022 adjunct proceedings and IEEE Xplore.


  • All submissions must be accessible and electronically submitted via Easy-Chair. We require at minimum that images are described with alt text or narration and videos are captioned. For a full list of accessibility considerations please refer to the following guide (
  • All short paper submissions should be formatted as ISMAR Conference Proceedings papers (IEEE Computer Society TVCG format is described here:
  • Posters and research statements should be submitted as PDF (limited to one page, A0 / A1).
  • Videos should be encoded as an MP4 using the H.264 codec.
  • Submissions are single-blind i.e. authors keep their names and affiliations on the submission materials.
  • At least one author must attend the workshop and register at the conference.
  • Submit via EasyChair (


Submissions deadline: July 21st, 2022 (Thursday) (EXTENDED)
Acceptance notifications: August 8th, 2022 (Monday)
Camera-ready versions: August 31st, 2022 (Wednesday)
Workshop day: October 17th or 21st, 2022 (Monday or Friday)


The workshop will be held in conjunction with ISMAR 2022. We plan to offer our workshop in a hybrid format, meaning we will offer both online and in-person participation for our attendees. Find our workshop website here:


Uwe Gruenefeld, University of Duisburg-Essen
Jonas Auda, University of Duisburg-Essen
Florian Mathis, University of Glasgow, University of Edinburgh
Mohamed Khamis, University of Glasgow
Jan Gugenheimer, TU Darmstadt – Télécom Paris
Sven Mayer, LMU Munich
Michael Nebeling, University of Michigan
Mark Billinghurst, University of South Australia



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