Call: Digital Futures of Cross-Cultural Communication (free, online Cross-Cultural Communication Conference)

Call for Abstracts and Papers

International Cross-Cultural Communication Conference
Theme: Digital Futures of Cross-Cultural Communication
15 September 2022 (5pm – 9pm ICT)
Online; Hosted by Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)

Deadline for abstract submissions: August 15, 2022

The years of Covid pandemic have completely transformed how we communicate – from maintaining connections with friends via FaceTime calls to conducting university classes via Zoom. More and more business interactions happen online as well. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual communication technologies, and also created an impetus for further development of these technologies. Online communication tools and platform became so sophisticated that one may wonder if they have already surpassed the experience of face-to-face communication. Will we ever go back to normal? And what’s more important, do we want to? What the world which relies on digital communication for cross-cultural connections will look like? Will we be closer to each other or will we feel further apart?

Abstracts that address the conference theme(s) are encouraged; however all submissions addressing cross-cultural communication issues will be considered. Papers may be conceptual or based on empirical data (using quantitative and qualitative methodologies).

Panel proposals are also welcome. The proposal should describe the title and focus of the panel, include the name of the chairperson, as well as names of every proposed member of the panel and title or focus of each presentation.

Important dates:

  • Submission of abstracts, 15th August 2022. Please submit to
  • Acceptance notification (by email): 25th August 2022.

For further questions about the conference, please contact Dr Pavel Slutskiy:

About the Cross-Cultural Communication Conference:

The sixth annual international Cross-Cultural Communication Conference is organised by five universities: Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Curtin University (Australia, Malaysia, Singapore & UAE), Zayed University (UAE), Emerson College (USA) and EAE Business School (Catalonia-Spain). Together these universities are providing a platform for a broad scope of research in cross-cultural communication and intercultural communication challenges.

The conference focus reflects a growing interest in intercultural aspects of communication. The most recent conference (Bangkok, 2022) attracted submissions from more than 18 countries, including Australia, New Zealand, UAE, Pakistan, USA, Egypt, Algeria, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Russia, Turkey and Thailand.

Papers for presentation at the conference will be selected following a double-blind peer review by an international academic panel. All accepted abstracts will be published subsequently in the conference proceedings. Selected full papers from the conference will be included in the the Journal of Communication Arts (Thailand) and Communication and Media in Asia Pacific (Thailand).

The conference will include a keynote speaker, panel discussions and three parallel sessions. The conference will be free for both presenters and attendees.


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