3rd Workshop on Social Affective Multimodal Interaction for Health (SAMIH)
A workshop in conjunction with the 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2022)
7 or 11 November, 2022
Bengaluru (Bangalore), India
SAMIH Workshop:
ICMI Conference:
Workshop papers due: July 26, 2022
This workshop is looking for works describing how interactive, multimodal technology such as virtual agents can be used in social skills training for measuring and training social-affective interactions. Sensing technology now enables analyzing user’s behaviors and physiological signals (heart-rate, EEG, etc.). Various signal processing and machine learning methods can be used for such prediction tasks. Beyond sensing, it is also important to analyze human behaviors and model and implement training methods (e.g., by virtual agents, social robots, relevant scenarios, design appropriate and personalized feedback about social skills performance). Such social signal processing and tools can be applied to measure and reduce social stress in everyday situations, including public speaking at schools and workplaces. Target populations include depression, Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), Schizophrenia, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), but also a much larger group of different social pathological phenomena.
In this workshop, we invite participants from academia, industry or clinical settings to present and discuss social-affective design of multimodal training for health.
The following keywords (but not limited to these) describe the topics of the workshop:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy, Motivational interview, Social skills training
- Social signal processing, Affective computing, Physiological signal processing
- Virtual agents, Social robotics
We invite submissions of the following type:
- Short Paper: 7 Page Limit + extra pages for references only with optional auxiliary material (zipped) & thumbnail image
Please use the single-column ACM conference format using either LaTeX or Word.
The workshop organizers will oversee the review process for their workshops.
We will invite external reviewers in addition to the internal reviewers.
The review process is a single-blind review (submitted articles do not need to be anonymous).
Proceedings will be published as adjunct proceedings to ICMI 2022.
Hiroki Tanaka (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Satoshi Nakamura (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Kazuhiro Shidara (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Jean-Claude Martin (CNRS-LISN, France)
Catherine Pelachaud (CNRS-ISIR, Sorbonne University, France)
- Workshop papers due: 26 July, 2022
- Notification of acceptance: 10 August, 2022
- Camera-ready paper: 19 August, 2022
- Workshop date: 7 or 11 November 2022
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