Call: Virtual Creativity (Journal)

Call for Papers

Virtual Creativity (Journal)
ISSN 23979704 , ONLINE ISSN 23979712

  • First published in 2010
  • 2 issues per volume
  • Current issue: Volume 11. Issue 2

Virtual Creativity (VCR) is an academic peer-reviewed journal focusing on creativity in online virtual worlds and other related platforms where the virtual is examined as a central theme in contemporary media art practices and applied contexts. Pieces exploring the subject of digital creativity are sought from the broad perspective of Art, Science and Technology, in what is a widespread field of discourse. One focus of the journal is an examination of creative activity in the metaverse – from art, design and architecture, to research and education, to play and entertainment. Additionally, Virtual Creativity seeks to engage with ways in which the virtual reflects upon the implications of the physical.

Topics that fall within the scope of the journal include:

  • Creative Practices related to Virtual Worlds, Augmented Space, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Future Immersive Worlds, Physical/Virtual Dialogues
  • Art, Science and Technology – Art and Science, Art and Technology, Art as Research/Practice-Based Research
  • Virtual technologies – Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality, Cognitive Informatics, Brain-Computer Interfaces
  • Embodiment Practices – the Avatar, Identity, Performance, Gender
  • Applied Practices related to Networked Performance, Art and Heritage, and Cyber-museums
  • Learning in Virtual Worlds, and applications related to Therapy and Health
  • Theoretical Contexts

Formerly published as Metaverse Creativity, 2010–2016 (ISSN: 20403550, Online ISSN: 20403569)


Submissions and enquiries should be sent to the editors: Denise Doyle ( and Yacov Sharir (

All articles submitted should be original work and must not be under consideration by other publications. Please select the ‘Special Issue’ section within the submission system when submitting an article for a special issue Call for Papers.

Articles should be between 5000 and 10,000 words in length, including keywords, full references, bibliography and an abstract of no more than 300 words detailing the key areas of investigation, supplemented with colour images (to be supplied separately), which are at least 1600 pixels wide (300 dpi). Given the scope and breadth of the topics listed above, authors are kindly asked that their contributions be accessible to the non-specialist reader whilst retaining all of the requirements of academic rigour.

In addition to full text articles, proposals for reviews, scope related interviews and photo essays that document, evaluate or reflect on creative activity in a virtual context can also be undertaken. In this instance individuals are required to submit visual material together with a written proposal which should include a critical introduction of no more than 500 words outlining to the editorial team why the work submitted is relevant to the theme of the journal.

Journal contributors will receive a free PDF copy of their final work upon publication. Print copies of the journal may also be purchased by contributors at half price.


Trish Adams, RMIT University, Australia
Elif Ayiter, Sabanci University
Camille Baker, University for the Creative Arts, UK
Selim Balcisoy, Sabanci University, Turkey
Garfield Benjamin, Solent University
Andrew Burrell, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Catarina Carneiro de Sousa, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal
Stefan Glasauer, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Germany
Beth Harris, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Lynne Heller, Adjunct Professor, OCAD University
Patrick Lichty, American University Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Ben Matthews, Newcastle University, UK
Jacquelyn Ford Morie, All These Worlds, LLC
Maja Murnik, Institute of New Media Art and Electronic Literature, Slovenia
Bryn Oh, Artist, Second Life®
Zi Siang See, University of Tasmania
Harold Thwaites, Centre for Research-Creation in Digital Media, Sunway University, Malaysia


Howard Rheingold, Stanford University, USA
Roy Ascott, The Planetary Collegium, UK


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