Call: HCI Postdoc: Enhancing Remote Collaboration – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

Call for Applications

Postdoctoral Position in HCI
Project: ReSurf – Enhancing REmote collaboration across interactive SURFaces with awareness cues
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (

Application deadline: March 31, 2022

Dear all,

I am looking for a motivated PostDoc to work with us on the FNR CORE project ReSurf (Enhancing REmote collaboration across interactive SURFaces with awareness cues) funded by the Luxembourgish National Research Fund, running 2022-2025.

The main objective of ReSurf is to explore and study how mutual awareness can be enhanced for collaborative decision-making in a distributed wall-display setup. We work with the interactive wall displays that are available at LIST to design audio-visual awareness cues that make use of body movements (proxemics, postures, and hand gestures) and eye gaze to support remote collaboration. A series of user studies then allow us to learn about the role and effectiveness of different types of cues in a mixed-presence, collaborative decision-making scenario.

Keywords: Interactive Surfaces, Wall displays, Remote Collaboration, Awareness, Human-Computer Interaction, User-Centered Design, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Dates: Sept 2022- August 2024 (24 months)
Supervisor: Valérie Maquil
Location: Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Deadline for applications: 31.03.2022


You will collaborate with a team of LIST researchers and engineers and apply user-centred design methods to iteratively design, implement, and evaluate the awareness cues for the interactive wall displays. Together with the team members, you will develop technology prototypes, organize user studies, analyse the collected data, and disseminate the project results as part of peer-reviewed conference and journal publications.

For the research, you will have access to our fully equipped lab with three setups of wall displays, tangible and touch tabletop interfaces, depth cameras, 3D printers, microelectronic development platforms, as well as recording equipment such as multiple cameras, microphones and various wearable devices.


  • PhD degree in Computer Science
  • Research experience in Interactive Wall Displays, Interactive Surfaces, Gestural Interaction, Natural User Interfaces or any related field.
  • Advanced knowledge about user studies and other research methods in HCI
  • Ability to design and implement fully functional technology prototypes
  • Track record of researcher dissemination including peer-reviewed publications
  • Capacity to generate new ideas, concepts, and solutions
  • Ability to collaborate within an interdisciplinary team
  • Excellent communication skills (oral, written, presentation)


For more information and online application, please go to:

Your application must include a motivation letter, a scientific CV, a list of publications and contact details of 2 references.

Deadline: 31.03.2022

Feel free to contact me for any further question.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

Dr. Valérie Maquil  |  Senior R&T Associate
IT for Innovative Services  |   Visualisation and Interaction Research Group
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux  |  L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette


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