Call: Remote learning instructor-student interactions or instructor immediacy panel at CSCA 2022

Call for Short Abstracts

Seeking panelists for submission for Communication Education Interest Group on remote learning instructor-student interactions or instructor immediacy
Central States Communication Association (CSCA) 2022 Annual Conference
Theme: Re-Connect
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
March 30 – April 3, 2022
CSCA 2022:

Initial submission deadline: Monday October 4, 2021

From Aimee Miller-Ott,

We are seeking participants for a panel we want to submit to the Central States Communication Association for their 2022 conference. We conducted a study on students’ perceptions of college instructors’ immediacy behaviors through Zoom instruction. We are looking to create a panel that focuses either on immediacy in classroom contexts (in person or online) OR on instruction in Zoom classrooms, not necessarily on immediacy. We will develop the panel topic focus once we see what kind of submissions we receive.

If you have projects that focus on either topic (immediacy in the classroom or Zoom instructor) and are interested in possibly joining the panel, please email me with the title of your project and a short couple sentence description of the project. Once we get, review, and select submissions, we will email those that fit the panel best and ask for the full submission requirements. Please email me at by end of the day on Monday October 4 with your title and brief description, and I will respond by Tuesday October 5, with the deadline of getting me the full submission requirements by Thursday October 7. Please email me if you have any questions.


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