Call for Papers:
Ethics in Robotics and Intelligent Machines
HUMANA.MENTE Journal of Philosophical Studies
Edited by:
Fiorella Battaglia (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich)
Barbara Henry (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa)
Alberto Pirni (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa)
Deadline for submissions: September 30th 2022
Ethical issues are among the most interesting in emerging technologies. Theoretical and technological advances are more and more building machines that are so efficient as to share the same environment with human beings. This makes ethics a crucial step in the process of developing robotics and intelligent machines. Without ethical reflection, there is a risk of delaying technological developments. Ethical reflection starts upstream at the very beginning of the enquiry by questioning researchers about what they are doing, why, and for whom. It explores their values and broadens the research focus by engaging other stakeholders; it includes intuitions to be weighed against other intuitions, and it tests them against theology, sapiential knowledge, arts, and normative theories. Ethics is therefore essential in ensuring that the values implemented in robotics and intelligent machines are designed by experts across robotics, computer science, philosophy, psychology, law, architecture, urban planning, political theory, and economics, all of whom have a sufficiently professional expertise in related issues, and that their work is carefully scrutinized by a well-informed public debate. Only in this way can new technologies realign ethics and politics with a view that ensures inclusivity in societies.
This topical collection will contribute to the ongoing debate about the Ethics of Robotics and Intelligent Machines. It will host contributions from different areas in the humanities and beyond, spanning from political, social, and technical fields. We welcome papers exploring all aspects that broadly address Ethics in Robotics and Intelligent Machines.
Within this general conceptual frame, we invite contributions focused on the following aspects/topics:
- How to conceive of ethics by design in robotics and intelligent machines?
- How can technology-driven visions of future foster inclusive societies?
- How does look the taxonomy of technomoral virtues?
- What are the main ethical and political issues arising from the development of robotics and AI?
- How the legal regulation of Robotics and AI can guarantee ethical and political principles?
- How can ethics and political theory orient legal rules on Robotics and AI?
- The engagement of ethical reflection in the regulation of advanced technologies is often portrayed as a movement towards the ethicalization of law. But this development could not be represented at least as well in terms of legalization of ethics?
- How do Law and Ethics differ in their attitudes towards techno-science?
Contributions must be original and not under review elsewhere. All papers will be subject to double-anonymous peer-review.
Manuscripts should be submitted online through Humana.Mente Editorial Manager:
Please follow the Author Guidelines:
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