Call for Papers and Panels
Communication and Technology Interest Group
Central States Communication Association (CSCA)
CSCA 2022 Annual Convention
Madison, Wisconsin
March 30-April 3, 2022
Theme: Re-Connect
Submission deadline: October 8, 2021
The Communication and Technology Interest Group invites submissions of competitive papers, extended abstracts, and panel proposals for the 2022 CSCA Convention. The purpose of the Communication and Technology Interest Group is to promote dialogues and scholarships on the role of technology in communication. In conjunction with the convention theme, we are seeking innovative and insightful research that explores how we communicate “through” and “with” technology and the ways that technological boundaries can shape how we communicate as well as how technology can inspire communicative breakthroughs as it pertains to all areas in our field.
We welcome submissions that deal with a variety of technology platforms/types (e.g., AI, robots, VR, AR, mobile phone, social media). We also welcome a diverse range of topics/contexts concerning technology including but not limited to the following: CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication), HMC (Human-Machine Communication), and technology in diverse communication contexts (e.g., health, interpersonal, organizational, education).
- Overview: Papers may use any methodological or theoretical perspective.
- Reference style: APA (7th edition) is preferred. However, as long as it is consistent through the manuscript, other formats are also accepted (e.g., MLA, Chicago.).
- Paper submissions must include a title and a brief abstract.
- Length: Limited to 30 double-spaced pages including everything (e.g., references, abstract, tables, figures).
- Graduate students should type “STUDENT” on the upper right-hand corner of the title page.
- If the paper will be a graduate student debut, please type “DEBUT STUDENT” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page.
- To be considered a graduate student debut paper, the following should be met:
- the author must be a graduate student
- the paper must have single authorship, and
- the paper must be the author’s first paper to be presented at CSCA.
- If you would like your paper to be considered for the Inclusive Scholarship Award, type “INCLUSIVE SCHOLARSHIP” in the upper right-hand corner of the title page.
- To be considered as an exemplar of inclusive scholarship, the paper must demonstrate academic rigor in the examination of communication and historically marginalized communities/populations.
- Important: The names of authors and all identifying information should be removed from the paper (Be sure to remove the name on “properties.”). Papers with identifying information will be returned to the submitters.
- To be considered a graduate student debut paper, the following should be met:
- Overview: Extended abstract may use any methodological or theoretical perspective.
- Extended abstracts may be suitable for “research in progress” that may or may not include a brief report of results.
- Reference style: APA (7th edition) is preferred. However, as long as it is consistent through the manuscript, other formats are also accepted (e.g., MLA, Chicago.).
- Paper submissions must include a title and a brief abstract.
- Length: Limited to 10 double-spaced pages including everything (e.g., references, abstract, tables, figures).
- Important: The names of authors and all identifying information should be removed from the paper (Be sure to remove the name on “properties.”). Papers with identifying information will be returned to the submitters.
- Two types of panels are welcomed: a) paper panel and b) discussion panel
- Paper Panels are those including completed papers encompassing a specific topic.
- Discussion Panels are those including 4-7 panelists who provide a brief opening statement concerning a topic and then engage in discussion.
- Submission materials
- Discussion and paper panel submissions must include the following: (a) title, (b) description (75 words or less), (c) rationale (75 words or less), and (d) a complete list of participants along with their institutional affiliations, contact information (address, e-mail, and telephone), and if they are CSCA members.
- Paper panels should also include titles and brief abstracts (100 words or less) for each paper.
- Note: Submitters will be able to fill in the above information in the submission system directly without submitting a word document.
- There will be strong preference given to proposals that include panelists from multiple institutions and contexts.
The Top Paper in the Communication and Technology Interest Group will be awarded with the ComBotLabs Award. The ComBotLabs Award is named after the Communication and Social Robotics Labs which consists of three lab directors: Drs. Autumn Edwards, Chad Edwards, and Patric Spence. Extended abstracts are not eligible for the award.
- All technology requests must be made at the time of submission.
- Deadline: October 8, 2021 (11:59 PM in CDT).
- All submissions must be made via the CSCA online system. You will find a link to the AI submission system at:
- We encourage all submitters and potential presenters to create a profile on the CSCA convention webpage. This will make the submission process easier.
To learn more about our Interest Group and engage in dialogues with members, join our Interest Group Facebook page. Please direct questions concerning the call to Dr. Jihyun Kim (, Chair and Planner for Communication and Technology Interest Group, CSCA 2022.
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