Call for Studies:
XR Distributed Research Network (XRDRN)
The XR Distributed Research Network (XRDRN) is a platform for researchers in the Cross-Reality (XR/VR/AR) discipline, created in response to the Covid-19 emergency lockdown. The aim is to provide a home for researchers to upload their current XR research projects and find participants for their research.
XR research often requires participants, but during the pandemic, the only way researchers can get participants is by distributing activities online. Many researchers have noted difficulty and effort in both publicising their projects and recruiting participants.
We hope researchers will upload their projects, and also share the website with their network and as part of their experiment recruitment process. In this way, participants can participate in multiple studies and the recruitment efforts for all researchers can be reduced.
The service is completely free to use for researchers and people who would like to participate in the studies.
This project was launched by members of the Immersive Experiences Working Group at Queen Mary, University of London. It is funded by the Media and Arts Technology Centre for Doctoral Training at Queen Mary.
It is maintained by PhD candidates Jack Ratcliffe and Francesco Soave.
[The 36 current projects below are listed on the Projects page at this writing; see that page for more details about each study. –Matthew]
- Narrative Engagement In Interactive Cinematic VR Experiences
- Game Inventory Systems In VR
- Suitability Of Reward Systems In VR Games
- Authentication Schemes In VR Using HTC Vive ProVR Crowd Experiment
- A Brief Survey On Locomotion Interfaces And Methods
- Exploring Academic Literature In VR
- Social Presence Study
- Reducing Motion Sickness In VR Using Different Movement Mechanics
- An Online Study Exploring Learning From Digital Agents (Avatars)
- WebXR Search Interfaces Study (Immediate Participation Available)
- High Intensity Circuit Training In VR
- Navigation Interfaces Research Study
- Learning Japanese In VR
- Virtual Experience In The Museum
- Networked Music Performance In Virtual Reality
- Survey: User Experience Of Virtual Reality Headsets And Stopping Points
- “Dead Science”: Orientation And Minimaps In Small Spaces
- Circle Tracer: How Can Circle Drawing Be Used In The Assessment Of Movement?
- VR Museum Visit Research
- Teamwork In A Co-Operative Video Game (PAYDAY 2) – Looking For VR Players!
- Hazard Perception Study For Drivers (Oculus Go)
- Investigating Floating Based Seated Navigation
- Playtests For A VR Student Game!
- Effects Of Virtual Natural/Urban Environments On Well-Being And Cognition
- Transformative Change In Virtual Reality: A Mixed Methods Inquiry
- Movement In Virtual Reality(Study Finished)
- Online Manchester Soundscape Experiment
- Evaluation Of VR Interaction Technique Representations
- Relationship Between Embodiment And Agency In A VR Assembly Application
- VR + Robotics For Human-Robot Interaction
- Health Representations In Virtual Reality
- Sensory Substitution In XR
- Group Game In RecRoom
- VR Office Study
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