[This story from Forbes earlier this year describes a study that reinforces the ideas that presence-evoking technology amplifies at least some of the impacts of media content (as in early studies of screen size) and that media content and form interact in important ways. Experiencing driver training messages in virtual reality produced increased risk-taking for fear appeal messages and reduced risk-taking for positive messages compared to viewing the messages in 2D film conditions. Here’s an excerpt from the published study:
“As VR is designed to provide a more realistic experience of driving collisions (Lin, 2017; Parsons & Rizzo, 2008), it is likely that participants’ experience of viewing the collision in the fear condition was more vivid than those viewing it in 2D. Indeed, in the 2D films, the participants experienced the events as spectators, creating a distance between themselves and the avatars (Klimmt, Hefner, & Vorderer, 2009; Lin, 2013). Arguably, VR’s capacity to deliver a more realistic experience might heighten participants’ emotional arousal and exacerbate participants’ tendency to disregard and dismiss the message, rendering the fear appeal even less effective (Witte, 1992, 1996).”
See the original Forbes story for a different image. –Matthew]
[Image: Figure 1 from “Evaluating an Intervention to Reduce Risky Driving Behaviors: Taking the Fear Out of Virtual Reality“: Participants’ mean scores on the Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) by Film Content and Delivery Mode.]
Carrot Or Stick? Positive Messages Work Better Than Fear Tactics To Help Teens Drive Safely
By Tanya Mohn
January 31, 2021
Films and videos that depict responsible behavior behind the wheel can lead to young drivers taking fewer risks on the road than those aimed at provoking fear of crashes. In other words, in the quest to tackle risky conduct among young drivers, positive communication is better at encouraging safe driving than scare tactics.
Those are the main conclusions of a new study published in the journal Risk Analysis.
“Governments around the world have adopted a plethora of interventions aimed at encouraging safer driving, the majority of which use fear-based content, such as graphic depictions of sudden car crashes,” Yaniv Hanoch, associate professor of risk management at the University of Southampton, said in a statement. But “such messages can be counter-productive, possibly because the emotive content can trigger defensive reactions and message rejection.”
The study, “Evaluating an Intervention to Reduce Risky Driving Behaviors: Taking the Fear Out of Virtual Reality,” was a collaboration between the University of Antwerp in Belgium and the University of Southampton and the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom.
“This research provides the first examination of the effects of both message content and mode of delivery on risky driving behaviour among young drivers,” Dr. Hanoch added.
Globally, drivers below the age of 25 account for nearly half of the estimated 1.35 million people who die each year as a result of road traffic crashes, the researchers said.
During the research, 146 young drivers participated in a series of screenings and evaluations. Half of the group viewed a six-minute video of a crash caused by a reckless driver who was distracted by his passengers. The goal of the images was to instill fear. The other half of young drivers saw a video depicting a positive scene of a careful driver asking the passengers not to distract him. Both road safety films were developed for the Fire and Rescue Services in the United Kingdom.
Assessments also gauged whether there was a different outcome based on if the videos were watched on a Virtual Reality headset or on a two-dimensional (2D) TV screen.
Participants answered a questionnaire to assess their attitudes to risk taking on the road before and after viewing the films.
The findings indicated that the films positive in nature significantly decreased risky driving after being seen on a 2D screen, and even more when viewed in Virtual Reality (VR) format. In contrast, “the fear film shown in VR failed to reduce risky driving behaviors, and in fact, increased young drivers’ risk taking,” the researchers said.
In addition, participants in both groups watched video clips of situations that required a driver reaction, (like considering whether to overtake another vehicle in icy conditions) and were asked to indicate if, and when, they regarded the manoeuvre as too risky.
The study builds on previous research that showed the effectiveness of positively framed messages for road safety, but advances the understanding in an important way, Clara Alida Cutello, lead researcher for the study, University of Antwerp, said in a statement. When young drivers experience positive scenarios in an authentic way through virtual reality, it encourages “the creation of positive role models and strategies to be safer on the roads.”
The new research coincided with a change of tone in France’s most recent road safety campaign, according to the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), which announced the publication of the study earlier this month in its newsletter.
“While earlier campaigns tended to concentrate on traumatic events,” the Brussels-based independent non-profit organization said in a statement, “the latest is a celebration of life’s special moments with the implication of what could be missed when life is cut short.”
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