Call: Workshop on the Embodiment of Things (EoT 2021) at British HCI Conference

Call for Papers

The Workshop on the Embodiment of Things (EoT 2021)
Co-located with the 33rd British Human Computer Interaction Conference
19th July, 2021

Submission deadline: 15th June, 2021

The Workshop on the Embodiment of Things (EoT 2021) will be held online on the 19th July and is co-located with the 33rd British Human Computer Interaction Conference (


The goal of this workshop is to bring researchers and practitioners from national and international cultural heritage (CH) organisations together with those from across HCI and related fields. We aim to establish how an alertness to tertiary embodiment (mind-body-artefact) can provide the ground for bringing artefacts to life, catalyse collective knowledge production, enable collaboration, and encourage the creative integration of computational and archival thinking. For example, in building on AI methods to create a visual search platform, the Deep Discoveries collaborative project at The National Archives fosters embodied interaction with national collections. The Engaging Crowds project, which promotes public participation in heritage research, is an instance of how collaboration in virtual space engenders the creation and sharing of knowledge. Both projects are funded by AHRC as part of the Towards a National Collection research programme.


In this workshop we will explore how embodiment can be and has been applied to digital objects and practice in CH collections. We will do this via three interwoven critical interventions: digital objects (digital collections, interfaces, tangible computing), situated interaction (how context shapes meaning) and virtual connections (collaboration and communication in digital rather than physical space (Computer-supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), crowd-sourcing and citizen research, knowledge-sharing).


Our focus on digital materiality and data as artefact might be of distinct relevance to Cultural Heritage (CH) and Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) researchers and practitioners. With a particular focus on automation and on citizen research as two complementary approaches to understanding and engaging audiences with data at the scale of our collections, and linking them to other collections, we understand HCI as central to this work.

We welcome papers from Early Career Researchers; the workshop will be a collaborative space in which to test theories and gain feedback on ideas. Significantly, this is a markedly interdisciplinary workshop, aiming to forge critical, theoretical and methodological connections between the fields of HCI and Digital Scholarship. All accepted participants will benefit from having their position papers published in Electronic Workshops in Computing series (eWics) providing they meet the formatting requirements.


We invite submissions of short papers addressing themes including, but not limited to, cultural heritage and:

  • Digital mapping, spatial (dis)embodiment and spatial representation in large scale heritage collections and datasets: fuzzy geographies, geo-referencing, geographical information systems (GIS)
  • Interaction with models, simulations and digital twins
  • Creativity, co-creativity and co-production
  • Locative media and Spatial Computing (VR, AR, and MR)
  • Tangible computing, the Internet of Things, digital materiality, digital objects/artefacts, data as artefact
  • Bodies of information/digital bodies: Machine Learning and AI, exploring and visualising uncertainty and polyvocality in large scale heritage collections
  • The post-digital: unsettling the boundary between analogue, digital, and born-digital, between material and immaterial artefacts
  • Distributed experience, mediated presence, networks and networking (open linked data), individuality (personal devices), and community (crowd-sourcing, citizen research)


Short papers up to 4 pages excluding references

Posters up to 2 pages excluding references

Email submissions to:

Paper formats and templates at:


Submission by 15th June
Notifications by 22nd June
Camera-ready by 30th June
Workshop on 19th July


Rebecca Hutcheon (The National Archives, UK)
John Moore (The National Archives, UK)
Eirini Goudarouli (The National Archives, UK)
Duncan Hay (UCL, UK)
Christian Sauer (University of Hildesheim, Germany)


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