Call: 1st International Workshop on Multisensory Augmented Reality (MAR 2021)

Call for Papers

1st International Workshop on Multisensory Augmented Reality (MAR 2021)
31 August 2021
Bari, Italy [see note below]

In conjunction with INTERACT 2021

Submission deadline: May 1st, 2021

NOTE: We will adhere to the Interact 2021 Policy on conference participation which is “The evolution of the pandemic will be carefully monitored and those who cannot travel due to COVID-19 will be allowed to present and participate remotely in the conference”.

The 1st International Workshop on Multisensory Augmented Reality (MAR2021) will be held on 31 August 2021 in conjunction with INTERACT 2021, Bari, Italy (30th Aug – 3rd Sept 2021), immediately preceding the main conference.


Multisensory Augmented Reality enables content creators to deliver more realistic, sensory-rich user experiences. Applications and research related to multisensory augmented reality expand through several areas such as education, medicine, human-machine interactions, human-food interactions, marketing, and smart cities. This workshop aims to gather researchers and industry representatives involved in multisensory augmented reality research to discuss the current state-of-the-art in the field, future research directions, new collaboration opportunities, and future publication plans.


We invite researchers, industry experts, and visionaries to submit their latest results, concepts, and reviews of state of the art on any relevant aspects of Multisensory Augmented Reality. Contributions of more fundamental nature are welcome as well as more technical contributions. Position papers and reviews of the state-of-the-art and ongoing late-breaking research works are also invited. Submissions do not necessarily have to cover the AR aspects, but papers on additional modalities including smell, taste, and haptics are suited and highly encouraged.

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Multisensory Augmented Reality interfaces
  • Applications of multisensory AR and technologies
  • Sensing and Actuation Technologies for visual, tactile/haptic, sonic, taste, and smell related to AR
  • Multisensory interaction, interfaces, and communication
  • Multimodal / Crossmodal perception in AR
  • Multisensory VR Applications
  • Smart wearable technology related to Multisensory AR
  • Multisensory AR based digital and sensory marketing
  • Multisensory AR in Human-Food Interaction
  • Multisensory Internet Applications
  • Content creation processes, environments and methods in Multisensory AR
  • Communication protocols for multisensory AR
  • VR for art therapy


Kasun Karunanayaka, Thilina Halloluwa, and Manjusri Wickramasinghe, University of Colombo School of Computing, Sri Lanka

Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

Nimesha Ranasinghe, School of Computing and Information Science, University of Maine, USA

Dhaval Vyas, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Australia


May 1st, 2021, 23:59 PT (Pacific Time): Submission deadline
May 15th, 2021: Acceptance notifications
June 4th, 2021: Camera-ready versions due
June 11th, 2021: Early Bird Registration
August 31st, 2021: Workshop at Interact 2021


  • We invite the submission of position papers which are between 4-8 pages.
  • Position papers should be formatted according to Springer LNCS format. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. LaTeX templates are also available in Overleaf.
  • Your Submissions can be submitted to
  • The workshop proceedings, video presentations, and inspiring discussions will be made public on the website ( and via YouTube. Further, a summary and the citation of each position paper will be added into the workshop introductory paper prepared by the organizers.
  • For more information about papers and submissions, visit our website:

The full-day workshop program will contain a combination of oral presentations, invited keynote talks, posters, and demos enabling interactive scientific sharing and discussion between practitioners and researchers. MAR 2021 welcomes submissions of position papers (between 4 – 8 pages) that report work-in-progress, presenting new, unpublished, original research as well as reviews state of the art in related areas. Accompanying demonstrations or concept videos are welcome and highly appreciated.


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