Presence after death: William Shatner creating conversational AI of himself with StoryFile

[All of the news stories about William Shatner teaming with the company StoryFile to create a version of himself that future generations can interact with are based on the company’s press release below via GlobeNewswire (which for some reason doesn’t mention its work with astronauts, Civil Rights leaders and Holocaust survivors – see the StoryFile website for more details). Here’s how the company promotes their service:

“StoryFile uses a mobile native cloud-based AI-driven conversational video technology. THIS is what differentiates StoryFile from everything else!

Have you ever interacted with a life-sized hologram of an astronaut and asked him what it’s like being in space? How spectacular would it be if you could ask Stephen Curry to teach you his jump shot? Our proprietary technology, Conversa™, makes these dreams possible.

Our technology allows StoryFile to go where conversational video has never been before. We capture human history that transcends space and time, combining state of the art video and volumetrics functionality with conversational AI into a seamless, interactive, timeless experience.

The voice messages we never delete, the pictures we save for eternity, the video clips we replay over and over just to hear the voice of loved ones and see the mannerisms, to get as close to the real deal as we can…. We have all been there.

We want just one more conversation, one more question, one more ‘I love you.’

StoryFile harnesses the power of the human spirit and human experience, by extending the ability to have a conversation with those we love, those we are curious about, and those we admire.

A StoryFile is so much more than just a video – it is the gift of life.”


William Shatner Joins New Frontier of AI at 90

On his birthday, William Shatner and L.A. tech company StoryFile announced that he is exploring the new frontier of AI, and that he will be the first of many to use StoryFile Life to create an interactive, conversational AI-powered video to preserve his memory and legacy for generations to come, beyond the limitations of time and space.

Los Angeles, CA, March 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — StoryFile announced today that cultural icon William Shatner has joined the company as a brand ambassador and is the first person to use StoryFile Life to create an AI-powered interactive conversational video so family and friends can interact with him for years to come. His complete StoryFile conversation, powered by AI and its proprietary technology Conversa, will be available to interact with the public on all connected devices in May.

“This is for all my children and all my children’s children and all my children’s loved ones and all the loved ones of the loved ones,” says William Shatner. “That’s my gift to you down through time.”

Watch Willaim Shatner at the StoryFile studio in Los Angeles using the company’s groundbreaking AI platform here.

“William Shatner is going where no one has gone before,” said StoryFile Co-Founder & CEO Heather Maio-Smith. “Generations in the future will be able to have a conversation with him. Not an avatar, not a deep fake, but with the real William Shatner answering their questions about his life and work. This changes the trajectory of the future – of how we experience life today, and how we share those lessons and stories for generations to come.”

StoryFile Life will launch in June, bringing the world a new type of interactive storytelling that will change how we remember, how we interact, how we share stories, how we teach future generations, and how we learn. The technology includes the patented “Artificially Intelligent Interactive Memories System” on Conversa, which uses natural language processing and other innovative technologies. It can be used with all connected devices as well as VR/AR, 3D and alternative technological/digital platforms.

“At StoryFile, we believe every person’s story matters,” said StoryFile Co-Founder Stephen Smith. “Who better to show the world how StoryFile Life works than, William Shatner, a man the world knows for stretching our imaginations about the future and life in this universe and beyond. A man who has always generously shared the highs and lows with us, and who has mastered the art of storytelling.”

StoryFile has used its Conversa and technology platform to create StoryFiles and projects with Time magazine and Microsoft (to name a few), and also surprised the world with the gift of the first and only AI Santa Claus this past Christmas, which was created to usher in the holiday spirit to children and families worldwide for free, during the COVID pandemic. Heather Smith Miao has spoken on AI recently at MIT and Johns Hopkins; StoryFile has been profiled on Forbes, Reuters, and more.

Sign up for updates on StoryFile Life and to be notified when William Shatner’s StoryFile goes live at

StoryFile Life Premium will be available by subscription and one-time payment plans, with free limited scope trial versions available. Sign up online by March 31st for early adopter rates: StoryFile Life can be purchased for oneself, or on behalf of others (it can be gifted to family and/or friend).

For more details or interview requests, please contact


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