Call: “Embodied, Embedded – A Talk about Theatre and AI” online lecture and debate

Call for Registration

Online Lecture and Debate
Embodied, Embedded – A Talk about Theatre and AI
Evening Lecture by Diana Serbanescu

Wednesday March 24, 2021 at 7 pm (CET)

Organized by the Working Group on Philosophy of Technology (WGPT) –

Register by: March 23, 2021

Based on Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, Grotowski’s Theatre Laboratory, Haraway’s feminist theory and REPLICA’s practice-led research project on The Shape of Things to Come, this talk discusses the potential of applied theatre for empowering communities to explore and devise embodied interactions with intelligent systems, thus becoming the co-designers of these technologies. Not only does this lead to more appropriate designs and new interaction models comprehensive to the embodied and situated knowledge relevant to the socio-cultural, affective and emotional contexts of their usage, it also enables trust towards emergent technologies.

Diana Serbanescu has a double background in computer science and performing arts. As team lead at the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin, she works on interdisciplinary approaches to culture, society and technology, with a strong focus on human factors. She also co-founded REPLICA, a performing arts platform inviting creatives and scientists to collaborate on imagining hybrid behavioural models for humans and machines, and to prototype future tools, cultures and rituals. As the artistic director of REPLICA, she would like the dance-theatre of the future to be playful, subversive, interactive and underpinned by new technologies.

To register, please send an email to at the latest by March 23, 2021.


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