Call: CHItaly 2021 Interactive Experiences track

Call for Submissions

CHItaly 2021 Interactive Experiences track
11-13 July
Bozen-Bolzano (Italy) and online (www) [see note below]
CHItaly 2021:
Interactive Experiences track:

Submission deadline: 19th March 2021

NOTE: We are hoping to safely welcome some of you to Bolzano (Italy) in July but, in case it is not possible, online participation will also be available.


CHItaly 2021 Interactive Experiences track is a venue for exploring, representing, and challenging the frontiers of HCI through co-located and distributed interactive experiences.

The track welcomes prototypes and installations that demonstrate and question how digital technologies mediate personal, collaborative, and societal interactions. Contributions can include tangible artefacts, embodied experiences, interactive installations, and performances – but not only. Submissions are expected to trigger discussions on current digital societies and foster critical reflections on future scenarios.

During the hybrid conference, the interactive experiences will be open to citizens, both physically and online, so as to disclose research and foster public engagement, bridging the frontiers between research and society. Therefore, we especially encourage contributions that strive to engage conference attendees, citizens, and other audiences both face-to-face and digitally to speculate on futures of human-computer interaction.

So, what could be examples of interactive experiences that go beyond the boundaries and cross-fertilise areas of research? A playful public interactive installation, a tangible interactive visualization representing complex issues, an artistic experiment exploring more-than-human interactions, a critical design artefact that challenges predominant narratives of digital futures, prototypes of digital platforms empowering grassroots, and more. If in doubt, get in touch with the track chairs and we will be glad to answer your questions:


All submissions of the Interactive Experiences track should include a description of the prototype/installation accompanied with images and/or video. Submissions should clearly indicate their technical and logistical requirements. The required documents are:

  1. Description of the interactive experience in the preferred format. This document could be a visual portfolio with photos, video data, or other kinds of presentation. We encourage authors to position their contributions by answering the questions: “How does your submission go beyond the frontiers of HCI? How does your submission contribute to cross-fertilising areas of research?” It is important that the description explains clearly how interactions are envisaged, and whether participants can interact physically, digitally, or both. The document should include a short biography of the authors (ca. 150 words per author).
  2. Document indicating the technical and logistical requirements. This includes: size and materials of the prototype/installation, performative aspects (e.g. itinerant/static, targeted audiences), requirements of physical /online set-up and necessary technical equipment.

Both documents should be compressed and sent to If the documents are larger than 10 Mb in size, please archive them in an online repository and share only the related link via email. Upon submission, you will receive a notification of receipt. Please contact us if you do not receive it. In case of acceptance for a physical exhibition of the submission, any shipping costs should be covered by the authors.

The track also offers an optional academic submission format which gives the authors the possibility to elaborate on the theoretical background of the contribution. This means that, in addition to the required description documents of the prototype/installation, authors can submit a short research paper (5-6 pages including references).

Submissions should follow the one-column CEUR template available for Overleaf ( and ( Accepted papers will be indexed as a CEUR workshop proceedings (


The selection process of the interactive experiences will be curated by the track co-chairs. This process will consider feasibility, originality, capability to foster critical discourse, and engage with different audiences (e.g., conference attendees, citizens).

In addition, for those submitting an accompanying short research paper, the papers including all author names and affiliations will be reviewed by two members of the Interactive Experiences programme committee. In this case, authors should elaborate on the theoretical background of the contribution and emphasise the relevance of their submission to the main conference theme “Frontiers of HCI”.


March 19, 2021 – Submission deadline
April 9, 2021 – Review notification
May 3, 2021 – Final version
(Deadlines are meant till 11.59 pm CET)



  • Alexander Müller-Rakow – Department of Design and Culture – Communication and Interaction Design – HTW Berlin, Germany
  • Bianca Elzenbaumer – Institute for Regional Development, Eurac Research, Italy
  • Bianca Herlo – Weizenbaum Institute for Networked Society, UdK Berlin, Germany
  • Davide Spallazzo – Department of Design – School of Design, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
  • Eleonora Mencarini – Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy
  • Massimo Menichinelli – RMIT University, Barcelona, Spain
  • Matt Smith – The School of Design and Creative Arts at Loughborough University, UK
  • Matteo Moretti – The University of the San Marino Republic, San Marino
  • Michaela Honauer – HCI Group Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany
  • Niels Hendriks – LUCA School of Arts, University of Leuven, Belgium
  • Pelin Celik – Department of Design and Culture – Industrial Design – HTW Berlin, Germany


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