Call: 14th and 15th International Conferences on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies

Call for Abstracts/Proposals

Fourteenth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies
Online Only
University of the Aegean – Rhodes Campus
Rhodes, Greece
5–6 May 2021
Late proposal deadline: 5 April 2021

Fifteenth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies
Blended (In-Person & Online; see note below)
Changhua City, Taiwan
15-16 April 2022
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 15th March 2022

NOTE: Reimagining the Scholarly Conference
To support the range of options, and flexibility needed in our current climate, we will offer a blended conference experience. You do not need to commit either to a place-based or virtual presentation at the time of submission. You can present both ways, or change your mode of the presentation if your preferences change. The choice to participate virtually could also be a moral decision – for the planet, for security, or when the financial burden of travel is too great. We seek to foster spaces that align with principles of social justice and community development. [More details are on the conference website]

The e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies Research Network is brought together around a common concern for new technologies in learning and an interest to explore possibilities for innovative pedagogies. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary geographic and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network we are defined by our scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions.

The Conferences on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies feature research addressing the following annual themes and special focus:


On the dynamics of learning in and through digital technologies.

Living Tensions:

  • New learning supported by new technologies: challenges and successes
  • Old learning using new technologies, for better or for worse
  • Traditional (didactic, mimetic) and new (transformative, reflexive) pedagogies, with and without new technology
  • Changing classroom discourse in the new media classroom
  • Peer to peer learning: learners as teachers
  • From hierarchical to lateral knowledge flows, teaching-learning relationships
  • Supporting learner diversity
  • Beyond traditional literacy: reading and writing in a multimodal communications environment
  • Digital readings: discovery, navigation, discernment and critical literacy
  • Metacognition, abstraction, and architectural thinking: new learning processes in new technological environments
  • Formative and summative assessment: technologies in the service of heritage and new assessment practices
  • Evaluating technologies in learning
  • Shifting the balance of learning agency: how learners become more active participants in their own learning
  • Recognizing learner differences and using them as a productive resource
  • Collaborative learning, distributed cognition and collective intelligence
  • Mixed modes of sociability: blending face to face, remote, synchronous and asynchronous learning
  • New science, mathematics and technology teaching
  • Technology in the service of the humanities and social sciences
  • The arts and design in a techno-learning environment


On the changing the institutional forms of education—classroom, schools and learning communities—in the context of ubiquitous computing.

Living Tensions:

  • Blurring the boundaries of formal and informal learning
  • Times and places: lifelong and lifewide learning
  • Always ready learnability, just in time learning, and portable knowledge sources
  • Educational architectures: changing the spaces and times
  • Educational hierarchies: changing organizational structures
  • Student-teacher relations and discourse
  • Sources of knowledge authority: learning content, syllabi, standards
  • Schools as knowledge producing communities
  • Planning and delivering learning digitally
  • Teachers as curriculum developers
  • Teachers as participant researchers and professional reflective practice


On new learning devices and software tools.

Living Tensions:

  • Ubiquitous computing: devices, interfaces, and educational uses
  • Social networking technologies in the service of learning
  • Digital writing tools; wikis, blogs, slide presentations, websites, and writing assistants
  • Supporting multimodality: designing meanings which cross written, oral, visual, audio, spatial, and tactile modes
  • Designing meanings in the new media: podcasts; digital video, and digital imaging
  • Learning management systems
  • Learning content and metadata standards
  • Designed for learning: new devices and new applications
  • Usability and participatory design: beyond technocentrism
  • Learning to use and adapt new technologies
  • Learning through new technologies


On the social transformations of technologies, and their implications for learning.

Living Tensions:

  • Learning technologies for work, civics and personal life
  • Ubiquitous learning in the service of the knowledge society and knowledge economy
  • Ubiquitous learning for the society of constant change
  • Ubiquitous diversity in the service of diversity and constructive globalism
  • Inclusive education addressing social differences: material (class, locale), corporeal (age, race, sex and sexuality, and physical and mental characteristics) and symbolic (culture, language, gender, family, affinity and persona)
  • Changing the balance of agency for a participatory culture and deeper democracy
  • From one to many, to many to many: changing the direction of knowledge flows
  • Beyond the traditional literacy basics: new media and synaesthetic meaning-making


In the interest of “social distancing,” the COVID crisis suddenly threw learners en masse into online learning. At times, this has confirmed the worst fears of teachers and students who had not previously experienced e-learning. Children, college students and workplace and community learners have found themselves lumbered with videos followed by quizzes, canned e-textbook sequences, and endless video meetings where there is little opportunity to do much more than to listen. The learner is not only isolated at home; they have been isolated by their screens.

This situation is more than ironical—it is tragic. Since Web 2.0, we have known the social potentials of the internet. Learners could be working together in shared projects. They could be offering each other feedback on their work. They could be searching for examples of the ideas scaffolded in the curriculum and contributing content to the class. Their discussions could be formally required, valued and assessed. But tragedy is that today’s dreadful learning management systems and educational software tools were mostly engineered to replicate traditional transmission pedagogies and memory-focused assessments.

This conference aims to expand our imaginations into the social possibilities of e-learning. What should a next generation of e-learning pedagogy look like? What platforms will it require? How can artificial intelligence and learning analytics support a new kind of social learning?


Please visit the integrated conference websites:


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