March 20-21, 2021
Abstract Proposal Deadline: February 21st, 2021
The Global Center for Religious Research (GCRR) is hosting the 2021 International Simulation Theory eConference, which will bring together scholars, specialists, and philosophers from all over the world to discuss the different problems, proofs, and solutions in current simulation theory. The purpose of this multidisciplinary virtual conference is to advance the scientific and philosophical understanding of how the simulation hypothesis may or may not answer important cosmological, metaphysical, and even theological questions plaguing humanity.
This two-day academic eConference will provide an interdisciplinary platform for presenters to feature new scientific research, as well as philosophical and religious theories, relating to the intersection of the social-sciences/humanities and the simulation hypothesis.
Because this academic conference is held online, everyone can attend from the comfort and safety of their own home at lower costs without having to worry about travel and lodging expenses.
Specialists and philosophers, as well as researchers, professors, graduate students, and other scholars, are encouraged to submit abstract proposals (200-500 words) to present at this year’s virtual academic conference. All research presentations will then be published in an upcoming supplemental issue of the peer-reviewed academic journal, Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry (SHERM). Presenters can also feature and promote their own publications during the conference for free!
- Do presentations need to relate to religion, theology, or metaphysics?
- No. While GCRR does specialize in religious studies, we regularly discuss and publish on topics outside of religion. That being said, we are interested in receiving presentations that explore the intersection of religion with the topic of this conference.
- How do I figure out when I am presenting in my time zone?
- We recommend using this online time zone converter here. Just remember: the conference schedule is set to Mountain (Denver, CO) time.
- What if I can’t present live because of the time zone difference? Can I submit a video presentation, instead?
- Yes, absolutely. Just make sure we have your video file in time for the conference.
- Will the presentations be video recorded?
- Yes, and you will have access to those videos after the conference ends.
- What is the deadline for submission?
- Abstract Proposal Deadline: February 21st, 2021
- Where/how do I submit my proposal?
- Go to the event webpage for more registration/submission details:
The Global Center for Religious Research (GCRR) serves as an academic society, educational provider, publisher, and professional development society comprised of the world’s leading scholars on religion. We provide financial and professional support for scholars across the world to advance global research on religious institutions and cultures. As an international organization, our membership constitutes mostly academic students and professional scholars who currently (or will in the future) research and teach on religion.
Our members publish the latest scientific, historical, and philosophical work on religion in our not-for-profit, peer-reviewed academic journal, Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry (SHERM), including research studies in the fields of sociology, psychology, anthropology, historiography, and philosophy. The Global Center for Religious Research also publishes larger manuscripts in book form through our academic imprint, GCRR Press.
Moreover, we host regional and national academic conferences where scholars can convene to share and collaborate on groundbreaking research that has real-world transformational impact on the academic study of religion. We also offer academic certificate programs, research and peer-review services, and online trainings to educate researchers and the general public alike.
Our main goal is the promotion of social-scientific studies on religion, as well as the formation and preservation of professional standards in religious research, the distribution of affordable educational programs, and the support of religious researchers around the globe.
Darren M. Slade, PhD |
Global Center for Religious Research (GCRR) | President & CEO
Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry (SHERM) | Founding Editor
Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design (RMCAD) | Adjunct Professor of Humanities
The FaithX Project | Research Director
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