Call: 6th Narrative, Media and Cognition Conference: “New narrative challenges in moving images”

Call for Presentation Proposals

Narrative, Media and Cognition Conference
“RECONFIGURATIONS: New narrative challenges in moving images”
15th and 16th of October 2021
Via Zoom; Free registration

Submission deadline: April 12, 2021

The 6th edition of the conference Narrative, Media and Cognition aims to combine narrative, as an artistic and social phenomenon, with the artistic and technical media that convey it and with the cognition that produces it and gives it meaning. The 2021 edition of the conference is hosted by the Theatre and Film School of the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute, in Portugal, in association with the WG of the Audiovisual Narratives of AIM – The Moving Image Association in Portugal. It will take place on the 15th and 16th of October 2021, via Zoom.

Upon entering a new decade of the twenty first century the artistic landscape is increasingly hybrid and veering from the norms; a growing blend of forms, contents and genres is taking place. Therefore, it is imperative to reflect on the interrelation of the three main topics of the conference – narrative, media/arts, and cognition – and to contribute with academic theorization that allows for a broadening of reflection upon the nature and role of narrative as the binding element of a new audiovisual praxis. In this sense, the current edition of the conference focuses on the multiple challenges of artistic contemporaneity, seeking to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue.

There will be a publication with selected, peer-reviewed articles issuing from this conference. The conference is free of charge for selected participants, but registration is required to be able to access the sessions.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Complex, non-linear and fragmentary narrative structures.
  • Self-reflexivity, metalepsis, ekphrasis, embedding.
  • Unreliable narration.
  • Characters and diegetic universes.
  • Time and space in narrative.
  • Scriptwriting techniques.
  • Essay film, webdocumentary.
  • Autobiography, self-portrait, autofiction.
  • Transmedia storytelling.
  • Intermediality: narrative as cutting across different media.
  • Film adaptation.
  • Seriality, complex television series.
  • Narrative and new media.
  • New exhibition and exposition formats, streaming.
  • Interactive narrative.
  • Design, characters and narrative structures in videogames.
  • Narrative as a cognitive structure.
  • Relationship between media and cognition.
  • Narration and altered states of consciousness.
  • Narrative reception and creation mechanisms.

Keynote speakers:

  • Professor Marina Grishakova – University of Tartu; author of The Gesamtkunstwerk as a Synergy of the Arts (Peter Lang, 2020); co-editor of Narrative Complexity: Cognition, Embodiment, Evolution (University of Nebraska Press, 2019) and Intermediality and Storytelling (De Gruyter, 2010).
  • Miklós Kiss – University of Groningen; co-author of the book Impossible Puzzle Films: A Cognitive Approach to Contemporary Complex Cinema (Edinburgh University Press, 2018).
  • Professor Nitzan Ben Shaul – University of Tel-Aviv; author of the book Cinema of Choice: Optional Thinking and Narrative Movies (Berghahn, 2012).
  • To be announced.

CONFERENCE LANGUAGES: English and Portuguese.


April 12: Deadline for proposal submission.
May 12: Notification of acceptance.
July 7: Deadline for registration (free of charge).
October 15-16: Conference dates.


We invite each of you to submit a proposal for a 20-minute presentation. Each participant is limited to one talk. Both theoretical and analytical-theoretical approaches are accepted.

The proposal must contain an abstract (500 words max.), 5 keywords, 3 bibliographical references and a short bio of the author (250 words max.). Send to Fátima Chinita ( and Abel Júpiter (

SUGGESTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Will be available on the conference website soon.

[Previous conference: Narrative, Media and Cognition 2018: Narratives at the Margins –ML]


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