Call: What teacher educators should have learned from 2020 (book chapters)


What teacher educators should have learned from 2020
Published by AACE – Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education & SITE – Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education

Full chapters due: January 15, 2021

Call for a fast-tracked, open access, book published by AACE on lessons learned and best practices from 2020. The chapters will focus on research and practical outcomes from 2020 that have implications for improving teacher education with or through technology.

  • Submission for practice and research brief due: January 15, 2021
  • Chapter length: 3000-5000 words maximum
  • Publication date: March, 2021
  • Proposed topics include (but are not limited to):
    • Rapid publishing of ideas in tech and teacher education
    • Preparing current and future teachers for online experiences
    • Re-valuing teachers and the public perception of teachers and teacher education
    • Using technology to defeat divisiveness
    • Teaching teachers to be the social and emotional connection behind the technology
    • Teacher education responding to equity and accessibility issues
    • The role of instructional design in 2021 and beyond
    • Using innovative technologies for culturally responsive teaching (e.g., AR and VR)
    • Appreciating the role of synchronous, asynchronous, and self-paced learning
    • Teaching flexibility and resiliency
    • Examining technology and schools through social, cultural, and political contexts
    • Examining technology access and the influence of power and privilege
    • Teaching teachers to engage parents
    • Preparing students for technology-enhanced instruction


SITE Interactive 2020 was an inaugural online-only conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). One of the keynotes was a presentation by Dr. Rick Ferdig about what teacher educators should have learned from 2020. Because the conference was interactive, attendees were asked to submit their own lessons learned. Moreover, they were invited to submit chapters to a book published in early spring, 2021. This CFP explains that opportunity to the broader SITE audience.


The year 2020 significantly impacted all facets of our lives, including education. Most will point to the COVID-19 pandemic and for good reason. The COVID-19 pandemic obviously pushed Prek-12 and postsecondary education online. It also changed how we publish and share ideas.

However, it has also been a year of growing division, at least in the United States. Divisiveness has occurred politically, racially, and even in public health discussions about whether to open or close schools. There are several lessons that could have been learned—or should be learned— from a year of such experiences.

All of these lessons require action on the part of teacher educators and colleges of education. These lessons stem not from the bad news that emerged, but rather from the shining examples of teachers and teacher educators using technology to transform teaching and learning. This book will feature lessons learned, including but not limited to augmented and virtual reality for preservice teacher education, the need for continuous and situated professional development, rapid publishing for just-in-time response, and returning to our instructional design roots.


The sole intent of these chapters is to inform research and practice in teacher education from specific challenges, events, or solutions that occurred in 2020.

  • Chapters must address the intersection between technology and teacher education.
  • The chapters should act as research summaries with direct implications; they must be between 3000-5000 words (not including abstract, tables, or references).
  • Chapters are not intended to be reports of single research studies (e.g., an article); however, authors can use single research studies to contextualize the broader topic.
  • Proposals are not required, but potential authors are encouraged to contact the editors for advice on their ideas.
  • The chapter format should be:
    • Abstract
    • Introduction to the topic (introduction and relevance to 2020)
    • Literature Review (what do we know or what did we learn about the topic)
    • Specific implications for teacher education practice (including a conversation about how this changes current practice)
    • Specific implications for teacher education research
    • References
  • The chapters should not attempt to sell software, commercial products, or specific university courses. It should include strategies or open-access products that can be widely disseminated and used by others.

Submissions Due: January 15, 2021

Submit to: (select Book on “2020 Lessons Learned”)

Inquiries should be sent to Rick Ferdig ( or Kristine Pytash (


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