Call for Papers
Workshop on Automation Experience at the Workplace
At CHI 2021, the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (
Virtual Workshop
May 7th 2021
Submission of position papers: February 11, 2021
Decision notification: February 18, 2021
Workshop date: May 7, 2021
Automation is transforming traditional workplaces and work processes tremendously. While automated systems are no longer restricted to manufacturing environments but pervade various work domains in manifold appearances, automation initiatives and research are still driven from a technology and performance perspective. This workshop provides a multi-disciplinary forum for researchers and practitioners working on automated systems at the workplace and their user experience. We focus on design challenges of automation experiences for skilled workers and professionals at concrete workplaces and aim at enabling knowledge transfer across domains regarding design strategies for automation at workplaces. (For a social and/or cognitive perspective, e.g., on tensions between low power workers and automated systems, and resulting ‘algorithmic imaginaries’, also consider the complementary CHI workshop ‘This Seems to Work’.)
Participants are asked to submit a position paper describing their relevant recent or future work. Topics of interest include but are not limited to
- Support the understanding of reasoning and reliability of automated systems
- Communication styles to inform about the state of automated systems
- Propose models for workload management
- Customization of automated systems by non-computer scientists
- Capture and frame experiences with automated systems
- Understand contextual factors for the experience and engagement at the workplace
- Design of human-automation interactions and collaborations
- Support for task distribution and orchestration
- Share tacit work knowledge with automated systems
- Gain insights on the meaningfulness of human-automation work relationships
- Ethical aspects of advanced automated systems at the workplace
- Papers must be formatted according to the ACM Master Article Submission Template (single column, non-anonymized) and comprise up to 6 pages (incl. references).
- Papers must be submitted in PDF format to
- The submissions will be reviewed by the organizers based on relevance, originality, significance, and quality. Upon acceptance, at least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.
- All workshop participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the main conference.
Matthias Baldauf, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Peter Froehlich, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Shadan Sadeghian, University of Siegen
Philippe Palanque, University of Toulouse
Virpi Roto, Aalto University
Wendy Ju, Cornell University
Lynne Baillie, Heriot-Watt University
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg and AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
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