IMX 2021 – “Beyond Entertainment”
In (virtual) New York City
21st – 23rd June
Submission deadline: January 29, 2021
The ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (IMX) is the leading international conference for presentation and discussion of research into interactive media experiences. The conference brings together international researchers and practitioners from a wide range of disciplines, ranging from human-computer interaction, multimedia engineering and design to media studies, media psychology and sociology.
IMX focuses on challenges and innovations across diverse forms of media engagement and experiences. The aim is to provoke and promote discussion and the sharing of exciting ideas amongst researchers, industry practitioners and the academic community in all forms of media: VR, AR, MR, XR, 360 degree, live-streaming, online media content, authoring and production, as well as TV. We encourage authors to submit their novel research findings in analyzing, developing, creating, installing, evaluating, critiquing, or distributing interactive media experiences.
Topics of interest include:
- Understanding audience interests and their related interaction with content.
- Developing new content forms and formats and media/video‑centric experiences.
- Analyzing and developing underlying technologies and systems.
- Critiquing and creating production tools and workflows.
- Exploring the use and implications of AI and machine learning (e.g. in social media, media analytics, etc…).
- Developing innovative business models and marketing techniques in relation to multimedia experiences.
- Understanding wider social and cultural contexts of multimedia experiences.
- Designing and showcasing experimental media interactive art experiences.
- Exploring cultural, artistic, and creative experiences through interactive multimedia beyond entertainment (e.g. performance & opera, digital humanities, etc.).
Further details on each of the topics are on the conference website. IMX is an inclusive, growing, interdisciplinary community, so if you aren’t sure whether the specifics of your research are in scope then please email
- Submission deadline: 29/01/21
- Decision Notification: 26/02/21
- Call for Mentoring Programme: 8/01/21
- Rebuttals submission: 5/03/21
- Final decision Notification: 12/03/21
- Camera Ready Submission: 1/04/21
- Online submission: see
- Selection: Double Blinded Review Process + Rebuttal
All submissions should follow the ACM guidelines. There is a single submission paper format (for long and short papers in the main paper track). We invite the submission of anonymized papers from 8 to 16 pages with 150 word abstract. Ensure you use the latest version of the templates available from the ACM. Word authors should use the single column Word Submission Format. LaTeX authors should use the “sigconf” style with the manuscript command to produce a single column document. LaTeX authors can download the template as a ZIP file or use the official Overleaf template. The ACM LaTeX template on the Overleaf platform is available to all ACM authors at References do not count as part of the page limit but all other content (figures, tables, headers, etc.) are included in the total page count. Authors must also specify the key area of the submission (of the areas indicated in the conference topics) and keywords. Authors should submit accessible papers to ensure that everyone can review and access submissions to IMX. Resources for preparing accessible submissions can be found here and help to support accessible submissions is available through contacting The committee will take into account the selected length of papers when evaluating the value and strength of the contribution (meaning shorter submissions are also welcome).
For further details on scope, submission route or any other issues, please get in touch with the Paper Chairs at:
We look forward to reading your papers. Good Luck!
Guo Freeman, Clemson University, USA
Louise Barkhuus, The IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Niall Murray, Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland
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