ISPR News: Thank you to PRESENCE 2020 participants, attendees, co-organizers

[Image: Credit: Jihyun Kim]

Thank you to the 160+ people who registered for and attended at least part of the PRESENCE 2020 conference on Friday (October 23), especially those who presented their work at the event. While we had to adjust to the limitations in presence caused by meeting via Zoom, I was pleasantly surprised that we were able to retain the sense of informal connection and community of the previous in-person PRESENCE conferences. And as usual I left the event energized by new ideas and a reinforced sense of the value of our diverse and evolving interests in, research about, and applications of presence. Of course we still look forward to meeting in person when circumstances allow, hopefully next fall, and to retaining a virtual component in our future conferences.

A special thanks to fellow organizers of the conference Jihyun Kim (University of Central Florida), Eugene Kukshinov (Temple University), Kun Xu (University of Florida) and Hocheol Yang (Cal Poly University) and the many other people who helped make the event possible.



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