Call for Applications
Junior Professorship with tenure-track in Human-Robot Interaction
Institute for Computer Science
University of Würzburg
Würzburg, Germany
Application deadline: 4 November 2020
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Würzburg has an open tenured position in the Institute for Computer Science starting at the earliest possible date.
The junior professorship is to be filled on a temporary basis as a civil servant for an initial period of three years. The temporary civil service relationship is to be extended on probation for a total duration of up to six years. The tenure and appointment as a university professor of grade W3 in a civil servant relationship for life shall only be granted if the junior professor has proven his/her worth in accordance with the university’s internal quality assurance concept. This tenure-track professorship is funded by the Bund-Länder Programme for the Promotion of Young Academics (Tenure-Track Programme).
The future holder of the professorship must represent the subject Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) in research and teaching. The professorship deals with the research of technical aspects of Assistive Robots (ARs). Applicants should have an excellent scientific qualification in one or more of the following methods for co-localized interaction with ARs:
- context-aware human robot communication with natural language
- learning from demonstration
- reinforcement learning
- force/torque control
- dynamics of articulated systems
- compliant and dexterous manipulation
- identification, control, and learning with gaussian processes
- knowledge representation and task-based grasping
- plan-based robot control, behaviour-based robot control
- robot motion control architectures
- HRI in semi-structured environments (e.g. households)
Experience in the acquisition of third-party funds and in interdisciplinary research cooperation is expected.
The teaching responsibilities include courses for the study programs in Computer Science, Aerospace Computer Science, Games Engineering, Human-Computer Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, as well as for the other modularized study programs at the Institute of Computer Science.
The University of Würzburg attaches great importance to the intensive supervision of students and doctoral candidates and expects a corresponding commitment from the teaching staff. The university is currently developing the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Data Science (CAIDAS, in Würzburg. The professorship is part of the center and the future holder of the position is expected to be strongly involved in collaborations with other members of the center, especially in the focus area Human-Centered AI. Distinct experience with interdisciplinary cooperations, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science, but also with other application areas of the center would be an advantage.
Requirements for employment are a relevant university degree, pedagogical aptitude, the special qualification for scientific work, which is usually proven by the quality of a doctorate. (see art. 14 sentence 1 BayHSchPG). Applicants for tenure-track positions should be on their way to professorship at an early stage and have changed university after the doctorate or, if the doctorate was awarded at Julius-Maximilians-Universität, have been academically active outside of Julius-Maximilians-Universität for at least two years.
If employment as a research assistant or research assistant took place before or after the doctorate, the doctoral and employment phases together should not exceed six years (cf. art. 14 sentence 3 BayHSchPG). The University of Würzburg strives to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore expressly requests applications from suitably qualified female scientists. Severely handicapped applicants will be given preferential employment if their aptitude is otherwise essentially the same.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail by 4 November 2020 ( Required are the usual customary documents (CV, certificates, records, publications list, list of courses/teaching) as one pdf-file. Additionally, candidates are required to fill out and send the registration form found here as separate xslx-file:
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