Call: ICTeSSH 2021: International Conference on Information-Communication Technologies enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities

Call for Papers

ICTeSSH 2021: International Conference on Information-Communication Technologies enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities
June 28th – 30th, 2021

Deadline for abstract submission: December 1st, 2020

SSH researchers should be awakened to the huge possibilities and avenues for research based on ICT. The future of science is about multidisciplinary collaboration and applying new technologies. ICT tools for SSH researchers already exist, such as research-oriented social networking sites and tools to support scientific research, to manage labs and data, and to enable better communication. These tools could change the way SSH researchers carry out research, collaborate, disseminate and evaluate research outputs. The International Conference on Information-communication technologies enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities (ICTeSSH) is a three day annual conference where stakeholders come together for an open discussion to talk about the changing research ecosystem in SSH fields in the digital age due to the extremely fast development of ICT.

The ICTeSSH 2021 conference ( aims to bring together leading SSH researchers, computer scientists, informaticians, publishers, librarians, vendors of research ICT tools, SSH decision makers and others, to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of ICT enhanced Social Sciences and Humanities. In addition, the conference aims to discuss promising new ideas and identify new potential collaborators. The ICTeSSH 2021 conference will be held as an online conference in the last week of June.

Important Dates:

  • Dates of the conference: June 28th – 30th, 2021
  • Deadline for abstract submission: December 1st, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: January 31st, 2021
  • Deadline for workshop/training proposal submission: January 15th, 2021
  • Registration: May 31st, 2021

Key Facts about the Conference:

  • Amazing plenary speakers
  • Open-access conference proceedings
  • Academic ICT products and infrastructure projects will be presented
  • An award and 1,000 euros prize will be granted to the best conference paper presenter


We welcome submissions related to the themes listed below, however the conference Programme Committee will also consider submissions on any other aspect of ICT enhanced SSH. We are looking for three types of contribution: presentations on academic ICT tools or infrastructure projects, technical papers and research papers. The language of the conference will be English.

The initial submissions must be made by using the EasyChair platform (, in the form of an extended abstract.

The evaluation of the extended abstracts will be double-blind, therefore authors’ names, addresses, emails and affiliations MUST NOT be included in the extended abstract (in the file). The extended abstract MUST be submitted in PDF format and MUST NOT exceed four A4 pages (including figures) and MUST NOT exceed 1500 words.

The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is 1st December 2020.

Presenters will be notified of acceptance by 31st January 2021.Accepted extended abstracts will be made available through the conference website. For all accepted papers and posters we will need a short biographical note for the website and a photograph. At least one author or co-author for each accepted abstract MUST be registered for the ICTeSSH conference no later than 15th March 2021. Authors who have not registered by this date will have their paper removed from the programme.


The ICTeSSH Programme Committee proposes to explore each of the following themes through the programme, however it is also open to considering proposals that may not strictly seem to fit into any of the five proposed themes:

PERFORMING RESEARCH – There are a lot of tools which can help SSH researchers to perform research. This theme includes, but is not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  • ICT based methodologies and algorithms for SSH research
  • eScience
    • HPC, GPU, simulation techniques, computationally-intensive data analysis
  • Web Science
  • Digital infrastructures for SSH
    • for doing research, writing, reviewing, publishing and assessing research, as well as for outsourcing experiments
  • Data tools
    • data visualization tools, survey and statistic tools, computation of data, big data, machine learning, deep learning techniques, etc.
  • Citizen science / people-powered research
  • Exploring literature
    • Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, Zotero, Reference managers, automatic recommendation system, automatic literature review, Article visualization tools – these enhance your reading experience, for instance, by helping you navigate from one paper to another
  • The Internet of things
    • connecting instrumentation to the Internet
  • Software source code tools
    • to help the development of research software

COLLABORATION – Research cannot stay buried in the lab any more, and researchers all over the world should collaborate. Science is an increasingly collaborative endeavour because research problems tackled by today’s SSH researchers require a variety of expertise, skills and scientific equipment. There is a set of ICT tools that help researchers reach out to other researchers and find expertise for new collaborations. This theme includes, but is not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  • Research-orientated social networks / social networks
  • Tools for finding potential collaborators
  • Virtual research environments
  • Bibliometric analysis of publication and collaboration patterns in the digital age
  • Collaborative writing of textual documents
  • Collaborative development of data
  • Collaborative development of source code
  • Telecoms and meetings
  • Communication tools
  • Infrastructure for research communication

DISSEMINATION – Some ICT tools help SSH researchers to communicate their research outputs to the general public. Managing large sets of data and programming code is already unavoidable for most researchers. Tools have been developed to efficiently store and share data, code, publications and other research objects. This theme includes, but is not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  • Find and share data
    • tools which help researchers to disseminate and find data and samples
  • Data, publication and software source code repositories
  • Open science and open data
  • FAIR principles
  • Experiment and study protocol repositories
  • Research object / multimedia repositories
  • Research-orientated social networks
  • Web search engines and research objects
  • Selection of journal for publishing papers
    • Journal finder, publisher copyright and self-archiving policies
  • Executable papers

MANAGEMENT – ICT could make management tasks much easier. Also, there are some new options for funding and evaluation of project proposals and results. This theme includes, but is not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  • Laboratory and project management
  • Electronic laboratory notebooks
  • Crowdfunding
    • tools that help you collect funds for research from others
  • Evaluation of research
    • peer-review, altmetrics, national bibliographic databases, publication forums, etc.
  • CRIS systems, institutional repositories, bibliographic databases, citation databases
  • Scientometrics/bibliometrics analysis of SSH field based on various citation databases

SKILLS – There is so much for everyone to learn about how to use ICT to enhance SSH research. Senior researchers should ‘unlearn’ habits from the past and embrace academic culture change. SSH researchers should acquire the right skills in scholarly communications and keep these up to date. This theme includes, but is not limited to, the following sub-themes:

  • Data & software carpentry
  • Integration of various ICT tools
  • Library services for supporting the digital SSH


The authors with accepted submissions will be invited to submit full papers for publishing in the ICTeSSH 2021 open-access proceedings.


  • Prof. Dr. Adrian Furnham …

Title: New Techniques of Assessment and Selection at Work

Abstract: This paper reviews various new approaches to assessing personality. These were divided into five areas: Big data; Wearable technology, Gamification, Video-Resumes and Automated Personality Testing. These were briefly described and the evidence for their psychometric properties considered. At this stage there is more absence of evidence, than evidence of absence, for their validity. There is limited research on these methods which may offer new and improved ways of assessing personality

Google Scholar: link

  • Prof. Dr. Carole Goble

Title: FAIR Computational Workflows

Abstract: …

Google Scholar: link

  • Prof. Dr. Chaomei Chen

Title: Delineating the Scholarly Landscape of a Research Field

Abstract: Understanding the development of a research field is challenging but critical for a wide variety of professions and stakeholders. While one may find philosophical, sociological, historical accounts of the evolution of a field of research and interdisciplinary dynamics, delineating and communicating the state of the art of a research field remains to be one of the major bottlenecks in problem-solving and decision-making processes. In this talk, I will introduce how relevant theories from social sciences can be utilized in the design and application of an interactive visual analytic tool, CiteSpace, for computational and explanatory studies of research. I will demonstrate the theoretical and practical values of the types of visual analytic processes by presenting the findings of a few exemplar case studies.

Google Scholar: link


The conference will be held as a virtual meeting due to the COVID19 pandemic.


All questions about submissions should be emailed to


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