Call for Papers
Ergonomics & Human Factors 2021
19-21 April 2021 online
22 April 2021, London
Submission deadline: 1 November 2020
Taking place over four days, the format of Ergonomics and Human Factors 2021 will reflect all that is best about events:
- Multiple, engaging and informative live online sessions with presenter and audience interaction.
- A large range of on-demand recorded content available through a single sign-in website.
- A day of face to face live lectures, discussion and debate on contemporary topics in a quality London venue.
- Social networking time including an online quiz and a face to face annual dinner.
We’re now inviting written submissions in either short (4 pages) or long format (8 pages) covering (but not limited to) 6 themes:
- The Future Human including robotics/ cobotics; wearable technology; AI; online learning
- Health & Social Care including human factors and Covid-19; PPE; medical device design; healthy ageing
- Transport & Mobility including autonomous vehicles; novel transport systems; travel and the pandemic
- The Future Workplace including occupational health; cybersecurity; workspace design
- The Built Environment including teaching and education; social housing; complex use; smart cities
- Sustainable Living including ecology and the environment; renewable energy; climate and pollution
You’ll be able to present your topic in one of a number of ways:
- Live or pre-recorded talks
- Videos
- Podcasts
- Recorded slideshows
- Digital posters
All accepted papers will be published in the digital proceedings.
Submission closes: 1 November 2020
Authors notified: 9 December 2020
Final submissions: 10 January 2021
For all details go to:
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