Methodologies of Sonic Thinking (between Artistic Research and Phenomenology)
November 23 – 25, 2020
Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic
Keynote speaker: Bernd Herzogenrath (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany)
Main organizer: Martin Nitsche (CAS Institute of Philosophy, Prague, CZ)
Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 8, 2020
Human reasoning (incl. philosophy, language, arts, politics, leisure, etc.) is predominantly built on visual experience. Sonic thinking (a term that is gaining attention thanks to the volume edited in 2017 by our keynote speaker, Bernd Herzogenrath) challenges the primacy of visual and claims that human thinking should be transformed according to aural experience. Sonic research investigates our experience of sounds, music, rhythms, resonances, noises, and other sonic phenomena in order to describe configurations of human sense, which offer an alternative conception of human understanding to those maintained visually.
The conference aims to reflect upon sonic thinking as a specific way of research. Mainly, we want to raise questions concerning methodologies: since classical methods within the broadly understood theories of perception are based on the primacy of visual experience, the sonic research must define new approaches to sonic phenomena. Among other, we intend to address:
- Inter- and trans-disciplinarity of sonic research: methodological reflections.
- Inter- and trans-disciplinarity of sonic research: concrete examples of research (e.g. of rhythm).
- Artistic research of sonic experience – incl. methodological reflections and self-reflections of artistic research; research reports about particular projects are welcomed too.
- Sonic phenomenology: applications of phenomenology to auditory experience, as well as possibilities to redefine phenomenological methods on sonic basis.
- Media and mediation related sonic research; a media-philosophical praxeology.
- Topological, phenomenological-topological, and other spatial-turn methods of understanding sonic environments.
- Sonic research and philosophy of perception.
We welcome presentation proposals related not only to above mentioned topics, but also to sonic thinking broadly understood. Independent scholars welcomed.
Please, send a short abstract of 20 min talks (200 words approx., incl. your name and affiliation) until October 8. Use this e-mail address:; add “Methodologies of Sonic Thinking” to the subject-line. Notifications of acceptance will be sent until October 12.
The main day of the conference will be Tuesday, November 24 (with a possible extension to November 25, morning). The conference starts on Monday, November 23 evening with a musical performance of the Phonon crew (experimental creations of sound-spaces).
Our aim is to organize an on-site event, not an on-line conference. Hopefully, the situation enables it. Please, check whether your government allows travelling to E.U.-Schengen space before sending a proposal.
There will be either none (most probably) or a very small conference fee (€15, paid on site) for coffee-breaks.
(Organized by the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Prague within the GACR-project “Phenomenological Investigations of Sonic Environments”. Hosted by the Faculty of Philosophy, Purkyne University, Usti nad Labem, CZ.)
More information:
Martin Nitsche, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof of Philosophy
Department of Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
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