Call: Games Research User Experience (GRUX) Online Conference

Call for Submissions

Games Research User Experience (GRUX)
Online Conference
November 27, 2020
9AM to 3PM GMT, 1AM to 9AM PST
Streamed free on our YouTube channel

Deadline for submissions: September 11, 2020


A free online conference dedicated to the design of player experience. Please join us for #GRUXOnline!

This smaller event will be in addition to our mainline #gamesUR Summits (NA / EU)!

Games ‘User Experience’ (UX) is a vibrant professional discipline of researchers, designers, data scientists, artists, and production staff with one goal: design and deliver superb experiences in commercial video game development.

#GRUXOnline is a one-day online event for knowledge-sharing in design and research in gamedev. It is hosted by the Games User Research & User Experience SIG of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA).

On 27th November 2020 join our YouTube live stream for talks, panels, interviews and knowledge-sharing from the top talent in games UX.

Previous GRUX SIG events have included speakers from Riot Games, Ubisoft, King, Microsoft, Blizzard, Sony, Valve, and many others. You do not want to miss this!


Speakers wanted for #GRUXOnline!

Every voice in UX is welcome: no matter where you are in your journey, there are peers who would love to hear your story to see they’re not alone, and learn from your lived experience.

The event will run during EU-friendly times, but folks from all over the world are welcome to submit – North American folks in particular may wish to pre-record their content.

We particularly welcome talks on:

  • Case studies for whole-lifecycle user research
  • UX design processes and pipelines
  • UX maturity and studio culture
  • Practical game analytics strategies
  • Product retrospectives
  • … and any other content relevant to games UX

Presenters can choose to present live using VOIP, or pre-record their sessions.

We want to keep a ‘low barrier to entry’ to encourage speakers from all disciplines and career stages.

Give your submissions the best chance of acceptance by:

  • Having a clear and descriptive title
  • Make multiple submissions if you wish
  • Ensuring your talk outline contains:
    • An outline of the overall position of the talk, e.g.: the elevator pitch.
    • The description should give a good idea of the story/journey of the talk and how it will support the position.
    • Examples and evidence from your professional experience
    • Strong takeaways – make sure to include exactly what you expect attendees to learn, and why this talk would be valuable to them.

NOTE: Your full talk materials/slides are NOT required at this stage – only an outline or brief abstract needs to be submitted.

All presentations should be 30 minutes in length, including Q’n’A

Deadline for submissions is Friday, September 11, 2020

Your submission will require

  • Your information
  • Speaker bio
  • Type of presentation. We’re prepared for talks, panels, and workshops, but you’re welcome to suggest other types of presentations as well.
  • Will you present live or pre-record it
  • Submission title
  • Submission outline (between 150 and 500 words)
  • 3 tags to describe your submission
  • Intended audience of your submission

Click here to submit


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