Call for Participation
5th Annual Frameless Symposium
November 29-30, 2020
MAGIC Spell Studios, Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester, New York
Submission deadlines:
Papers, talks, workshops: August 31, 2020
Demos, Installations, Performances, WiP: September 30, 2020
Flash Talks: November 1, 2020
NOTE: We intend to hold this conference virtually with the possible addition of onsite participation. Therefore, we are exploring options for distance participation through VR and other digitally synchronous means to broaden the range of opportunities for presentation and attendance. Please stay tuned to the conference website where we will share information and updates.
The Frameless Symposium is an interdisciplinary symposium focused on research, innovation, and artistic creation in the fields of virtual and augmented reality. The Symposium Committee invites contributions from users and creators of immersive technologies and experiences involved in academia, non-profit and educational organizations, and industry.
Papers – 20-min oral presentation
Talks – 20-min oral presentation
Workshops – 50- or 75-min session
Demos & Works-In-Progress – hands-on demo session
Installations – large-scale art/experience
Performances – scheduled experience
Flash talks – 5 minute presentation
Almost anything involving XR and immersive technologies is within the scope of the symposium. Papers, talks, workshops, demos, installations, performances, works-in-progress, and flash talks may cover any of the following topics:
- Technology and analysis (system design, displays, optics, engineering, perception)
- Theoretical Foundations (approaches as well as theories and aesthetics of XR)
- XR Practices and Case Studies involving game design, storytelling, theatre, artistic expression, documentary, museums and cultural heritage, and health and well-being
- XR Studies and Education (as a discipline or method, in formal and informal education)
- History and Impact (analysis, critical history, societal impact, and influence on contemporary culture)
- Analyses and Evaluation of Systems (UI/UX, affect and emotion, presence and engagement)
- Archiving and Preservation of XR experiences as well as the use of these technologies to preserve cultural heritage and archaeological sites.
- Universal Design, Accessibility, and Inclusion (embodiment, modality, empathy, and representation)
- Public Interest Technology (XR design, product development, journalism, or content created for the common good, social justice, or to serve the public)
Please consider submitting an abstract even if your research area is not listed above, as we seek broad and inclusive approaches to the concepts and themes related to XR.
August 31, 2020: Papers, Talks, Workshops (notification: Late September)
September 30, 2020: Demos, Installations, Performances, WiP (notification: Late October)
November 1, 2020: Flash Talks (notification: mid-November)
Symposium Proceedings will be published online through the open-access peer-reviewed journal Frameless ( This will include a symposium program, abstracts, and final (post peer-review) full papers.
Now accepting submissions. Submission can be made through EasyChair via this URL:
View PDF of Call for Participation
Frameless Labs brings together diverse communities engaged in research, innovation, and artistic creations surrounding XR (VR/AR/MR) mediums and is under the umbrella of the RIT MAGIC Center.
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