Call for Papers
“Empowering Children’s Critical Reflections on AI, Robotics and Other Intelligent Technologies”
NordiCHI 2020 workshop
25 October 2020
Tallinn, Estonia and online (see NordiCHI 2020 website for updates)
Paper submission deadline: September 1st, 2020
Robotics, automated systems and AI are gradually shaping novel techno-social realities especially in educational contexts. However not enough space is being given to a critical reflection on the emerging ethical and social implications for designers/developers and the users, especially children. This workshop aims at creating a space to discuss the current practices and the near future opportunities for the support of children’s reflections related to robotics, automated systems, and AI implied in educational environments.
After our fantastic experience at IDC 2020, we decided to expand our discussions on children’s reflections on AI to other conferences. Our next workshop will take place at NordiCHI 2020. We invite researchers from all disciplinary backgrounds to participate in the workshop. Participants need to submit a position paper, 2-4 pages (including references) in the CHI Extended Abstracts Format, that outlines their view on the workshop’s topic. Paper submission will be done via Easychair:
The main questions we are looking to address are the following:
- What are the current practices and policies of creating opportunities for children’s reflections on AI, Robotics and other Intelligent Technologies?
- How can we ensure that children are given the opportunities to critically reflect on the design and the use of AI, Robots and Intelligent Technologies?
- What are the main ethical and social issues that deserve a particular attention when working with emergent technologies with children?
- Designing AI, Robots and Intelligent Technologies that for children’s interaction
- Designing educational initiatives to scaffold children’s reflections on Intelligent Technologies they use.
- How can we address these issues? Which methods, techniques, approach, theories?
- How to make these topics interesting, accessible and relevant for children?
- What kind of tools and platforms we need in order to create a shared space for children’s reflections?
Participant submissions due: September 1st, 2020
Participants notified of acceptance: September 6th, 2020
Camera ready Deadline (for workshop organisers): September 7th, 2020
Workshop day: 25 October 2020 – full day (as part of NordiCHI2020 conference)
If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at
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