Call for Manuscripts
Journal of Communication Pedagogy
Theme: Machine Teachers in Education
Guest Editor: Jihyun Kim, Ph.D., Nicholson School of Communication and Media, University of Central Florida, USA.
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2020
With ongoing technology development, it is highly likely that education will begin its new era by incorporating nonhuman agents as a tutor, assistant, advisor, or/and teacher, so-called “machine teachers.” Although human teachers may not be completely replaced by machine, some people argue machines would start assisting and replacing teachers in some areas in near future. In fact, this trend already arrived when an AI (Artificial Intelligence) teaching assistant debuted in at a university in the U.S.
In this regard, the goal of this special section is to provide a space that synthesizes research studies that explore the role of machine teachers in education. Considering that it is an emerging area, we welcome an exploratory study, pilot study, or preliminary study that provide foundation for this line of research.
In this call, we focus on machine as “an interaction partner” (e.g., instructor, teacher, trainer, tutor, etc.) rather than a tool (e.g., online environment). The notion of education is broadly defined which could be replaced as, but not limited to, instruction or training. More specifically, the scope of the call includes, but not limited to:
- Technology serving as an interaction partner (e.g., teacher, instructor, tutor, trainer, etc.)
- All types of technologies (e.g., AI, robot, virtual human, avatar, game character, etc.)
- All levels of education (e.g., kindergarten, junior high, college, post college, etc.)
- All types of education contexts (e.g., health, training/organization, higher education, second language learning, etc.)
- Empirical study (quantitative or qualitative)
- Case study
- 2500-3000 words in length (excluding references, tables, and figures)
- Submission deadline: October 15, 2020
- Final decision: January 15, 2021
The Journal of Communication Pedagogy (JCP) continues to be a peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Central States Communication Association. The journal publishes only the highest quality articles that extend communication theory, research, and practice in meaningful ways. We seek manuscripts that focus on instructional communication research situated in a variety of contexts such as (but not limited to) health, business/industry, religious, risk/crisis, public relations, journalism, forensics, and nonprofits both within the borders of the United States and beyond them. We are particularly interested in the use of technology (including virtual reality and artificial intelligence) in instruction. We welcome manuscripts that focus on instructional communication research within the communication discipline and beyond it (e.g., education, agriculture, social work, legal studies, engineering and S.T.E.M., pharmacy, nursing, health sciences). In sum, we seek manuscripts that examine communication pedagogy as it occurs across subfields in the communication discipline, in disciplines throughout the academy, and in contexts beyond the walls of higher education.
All manuscripts must adhere to the guidelines of the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and must not have been published elsewhere or be under review for any other publication.
Editor: Deanna D. Sellnow, University of Central Florida
Associate Editor: Renee Kaufmann, University of Kentucky
Editorial Assistant: America L. Edwards, University of Central Florida
Journal of Communication Pedagogy currently publishes one volume (2-3 issues) per year and is an open-access journal. Issues of the journal will appear at
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Journal of Communication Pedagogy is published by the Central States Communication Association.
For copyright permission for an article published in Journal of Communication Pedagogy, contact the CSCA Executive Director.
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