Call: EuroVR 2020 International Conference

Call for Contributions

EuroVR 2020
17th EuroVR International Conference
25-27 November
Valencia, Spain (see note below)


For the Scientific track, contributions deadlines are:

  • Full Paper submissions (Scientific talks): July 19, 2020 23:59 CEST
  • Short Paper submissions (Scientific posters): July 26, 2020 23:59 CEST
  • Notifications to the authors for all Scientific submissions: September 6, 2020
  • Camera ready for all Scientific contributions: September 26, 2020 23:59 CEST

For the Application track and the Demo & Exhibition track, contributions deadlines are:

  • Short abstract submissions for all related categories: September 11, 2020
  • Notification to authors for all related categories: October 2, 2020
  • Camera ready for all related categories: October 9, 2020

NOTE: In case a physical attendance of the conference will not be feasible due to Covid-19, we will publish all accepted papers as stated, and EuroVR 2020 will be held as a virtual conference that will allow all authors to deliver remote presentations of their work. In case the physical conference is possible, we encourage oral presentations with physical presence at the conference venue. However, if some of you are unable to attend the conference due to personal issues related to Covid-19 (individual medical reason or national regulatory restrictions clearly justified), but still wish to have your paper presented and published, we will offer remote presentations for your convenience. For virtual conference and remote presentations, technical details as specific registrations fees will be provided in due time on the website.

EuroVR association ( would like to cordially invite you to contribute to EuroVR 2020

We are pleased to announce the 17th EuroVR International Conference – EuroVR 2020 – taking place on 25-27 November 2020 in Valencia, Spain. The conference follows a series of successful European VR/AR conferences taking place since 2004 and known as INTUITION, JVRC and recently EuroVR (Bemen 2014, Lecco 2015, Athens 2016, Laval 2017, London 2018, and Tallinn 2019). The Immersive Neurotechnologies Lab (LabLENI) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Spain, is organizing the 2020 edition of this conference.

EuroVR 2020 will bring together people from research, industry, and commerce. Its members include technology developers, suppliers, and all those interested in Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), including Augmented Virtuality (AV) and Augmented Reality (AR), and more globally 3D user interfaces, to exchange knowledge and share experiences, new results and applications, enjoy live demonstrations of current and emerging technologies, and form collaborations for future work.


Technologies: Technologies related to Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR), collaborative and distributed environments, mobile devices, 3D rendering issues, real-time modeling and simulation, multimodal interaction, use cases.

Human factors issues: User studies and evaluation, presence and cognition, 3D user interfaces and interaction metaphors, self-representation and embodiement, virtual humans, sickness and side effects, realism, validity and fidelity, cost effectiveness and efficiency.

Applications: Applications of VR/AR/MR in industry, architecture, manufacturing and engineering, medical and rehabilitation, consumer neuroscience, organizational neuroscience, process and product design, training and education, serious gaming and edutainment.


Please see


For Scientific Track please see:

For Application Track please see:


Mariano Alcaniz Raya (UPV, Leni, Spain)
Frank Biocca (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Yoshifumi Kitamura (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)


Conference website:


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