Call for Papers and Late-Breaking Work
OzCHI 2020 – 32nd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Virtual Conference
2-4 December 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 7 August 2020
Papers and Late-Breaking Work deadline: 14 August 2020
OzCHI is the annual non-profit conference for the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) and Australia’s leading forum for the latest in HCI research and practice. OzCHI attracts a broad international community of researchers, industry practitioners, academics and students. Participants come from a range of backgrounds and include interaction designers, user experience (UX) practitioners, information architects, software engineers, human factors experts, information systems analysts and social scientists.
This year, OzCHI will take place as a virtual conference with Papers and Late-Breaking Work being presented online. A particular focus of OzCHI 2020 will be to support PhD candidates and their research through a range of mentoring opportunities and a Doctoral Consortium.
We invite original contributions on all topics related to human-computer interaction (HCI), interaction design and the design of interactive technologies. We welcome submissions from design, engineering, social science, creative industries and other related disciplines.
In acknowledgement of the effect that Covid-19 had on everyone’s ability to conduct research, we have pushed back the Paper deadline. We now invite Paper as well as Late-Breaking Work submissions to be submitted by 14 August 2020. Submissions to both categories will be peer-reviewed and published in the conference proceedings.
Papers should present original research and mature work in the fields of HCI and interaction design. These papers may describe investigations of user needs or contexts of use, lab-based evaluations or field deployments of prototypes, or other design-led or empirical investigations examining the relationship between people and technology. Given the impact of Covid-19 on conducting research studies, authors are encouraged to also consider submitting theory-based contributions that make a clear contribution to the field.
We no longer have the category of “Short Papers”, but we are now accepting submissions to the Papers track that are any length between 8 and 16 pages in the new, single-column ACM Master Article Template. The length of the paper should correspond to the contribution it makes. Authors are encouraged to consider submitting their work either to the Papers track or to the Late-Breaking Work track (which are up to 6 pages long in the single-column ACM format), depending on the maturity of the work.
Late-Breaking Work (LBW) submissions present ideas that are emerging and would benefit from discussion with members of the HCI community. These submissions may include initial findings from new research, experiences of reflective practitioners, and first drafts of novel concepts and approaches. Due to the reduced number of submission categories this year, we also invite case studies about the design of interactive technologies to the LBW track. Case studies may be based on academic or industry projects, and should describe recent, topical work to fit the “late-breaking” theme of this track. For example, this may include projects describing the application of HCI or interaction design principles for addressing pandemic-related challenges.
7 August 2020: Abstract submission for Papers and Late-Breaking Work
14 August 2020: Papers
14 August 2020: Late-Breaking Work
2 October 2020: Notification of accepted submissions
2-4 December 2020: Virtual conference takes place online
For submission details, please refer to the website:
Papers and LBW will undergo a double-blind review by an international panel and evaluated on the basis of their significance, originality and clarity of writing. This review will be based on the full text of the submission.
We are planning for accepted papers to be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series available from the ACM Digital Library.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register with OzCHI and present the paper at the virtual conference. We are aiming to keep costs for authors as low as possible this year. Updates on registration and online presentation format will be published on the OzCHI website.
Paper Chairs for OzCHI 2020:
Naseem Ahmadpour (The University of Sydney)
Tuck Leong (University of Technology, Sydney)
Bernd Ploderer (Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane)
Late-Breaking Work Chairs for OzCHI 2020:
Callum Parker (The University of Sydney)
Sarah Webber (The University of Melbourne)
General Chairs for OzCHI 2020:
Lian Loke (The University of Sydney)
Martin Tomitsch (The University of Sydney)
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