Call for Papers
32nd annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE)
6-29 April, 2021
Siena, Italy
Submission Deadline: 15 June 2020
NOTE: The COVID pandemic has severely impacted the preparation of the ECCE 2020 conference and we have had to postpone the event to 26-29 April, 2021. Please consider the updated dates and deadlines of ECCE 2021. Authors who have already submitted their manuscripts are not required to make a new submission.
ECCE 2021 is delighted to welcome the following keynote speakers:
Elisa Giaccardi – Delft University of Technology
Liam J. Bannon – University of Limerick
Pasquale Fedele – Liquidweb
Norbert A. Streitz – Smart Future Initiative
CCE 2021 is the 32nd annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE).
This leading conference in human-media interaction and cognitive ergonomics provides an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to exchange new ideas and practical experiences from a variety of domains.
The special theme for ECCE conference in 2021 is:
“Designing virtual and physical interactive systems”
Today’s technologies allow new interactive opportunities and access to digital media, services and smart products. These afford the creation of cooperative practices between agents distant in time and space and the development of tailored and ubiquitous services/systems closer to the people’s needs and expectations. This way they have a tremendous opportunity to foster inclusion and diversity and break down the boundaries between places and levels of participation. In these scenarios, cognitive processes are expressed, modified and developed in interactions with systems whose boundaries between virtuality and materiality are increasingly blurred.
The design of interactive systems that consider physical and virtual realities as well as exploration of mixed materiality calls for new methodological insights, ethical reflections, and sustainable practices opening unexplored perspectives.
ECCE 2021 seeks to encourage an interdisciplinary dialogue and discussion among participants related to general topics of cognitive ergonomics as well as this year’s special theme.
We invite various types of contributions from researchers and practitioners – including long and short papers – which address the broad spectrum of cognitive ergonomics challenges in the analysis, design, and evaluation of virtual and physical interactive systems.
The theme includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
- Affective/emotional aspects of human interaction with IT artefacts
- Cognitive processes in design
- Collaborative creativity and experience
- Collaboration in design teams
- Collaboration in end-users and design teams
- Decision aiding, information presentation and visualization
- Design methods, tools, and methodologies for designing physical and virtual interactive systems
- User experience design
- Ecological approaches to human cognition and human-technology interaction
- Human error and reliability
- Human Factors and simulation
- Human-technology interaction in the Internet of Things era
- Motivational/emotional aspects of human interaction with IT artefacts
- Motivation, engagement, goal sharing
- Innovative interactive paradigms with physical and virtual system (e.g. haptic, embodied interaction)
- Rapid prototyping and digital fabrication
- Resilience and diversity
- Trust and control in complex systems
- Situation awareness
- User research concepts, methods, and empirical studies
- Human Computer Interaction
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Conversational user interfaces
- Advanced user interfaces
- Cognitively-orientated human factors
- Ethical issues in AI and virtual environments
Submission categories:
- Long and short papers
- Demonstration
- Workshop
- Doctoral Consortium paper
All submissions should be written in English and authors should anonymise their papers.
All submissions fulfilling the submission requirements will be peer-reviewed by the ECCE 2021 Scientific Committee, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
The proceedings of ECCE 2021 will be published by ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, indexed in Scopus and all the major indices. Papers should be formatted according to the new ACM templates.
Submission should be made through EasyChair system.
The deadline for submission has been extended. The new important dates are as follows:
Submission Deadline: 15 June 2020
Author notification: 28 September 2020
Camera-ready version: 30 October 2020
Early Registration deadline: 29 November 2020
Conference: 26-27-28-29 April 2021
Doctoral Consortium/Workshops: 26 April 2021
The conference will take place at the Santa Chiara Lab of the University of Siena.
Santa Chiara Lab, University of Siena
Via Valdimontone 1 – 53100 Siena (Italy)
For updated information about the event, program and invited speakers, submission procedures, and registration please visit the web site:
Contact the ECCE organisers at
Follow @ecce2021 on Twitter.
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