Call: Simulation Australasia Unconference 2: Focusing on Solutions

Call for Participants

Simulation Australasia Unconference 2: Focusing on Solutions
Wednesday 29th April 2020, 8 pm (GMT+10:00) via Zoom

Simulation Australasia invites you to join our inaugural “unconference”, a crowd source meeting where we will address common problems and solutions related to COVID19:

Unconference is a crowd source meeting to address common problems:
Rule #1: Whoever shows up are the right people
Rule #2: Whatever happens is fine
Rule #3: Whenever it starts is the right time
Rule #4: It is over when it’s over

We will explore the following themes:

  1. Mapping Existing tools and simulations modes to common area across domains
  2. Education tools to support simulation modalities at all levels
  3. Standards for simulation people, equipment and modalities across domains

Join us at 8:00pm (GMT+10:00) on Wednesday 29th April 2020

Register Here

Whether you are from Industry, Health or Academia – we need you. The strength of this solution relies on the broader simulation community. Simulation Australasia will present a White Paper Document to the Australasian Simulation community representing a roadmap for guiding the future in simulation sustainability during and post COVID-19. We invite you to participate in the knowledge hub by providing your voice and solutions in this rapidly changing environment.

Foundation Partner: NSW Government

Simulation Australasia:

265, King St Newcastle NSW, 2300
ABN: 13 087 862 619
ACN: 087 862 612

Telephone: +61 2 4925 7702


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