Call for Abstracts
Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations Conference 2020
@ DESIGNLAB, University of Twente
The Netherlands
November 5-7th, 2020
Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 1, 2020
NOTE: Statement concerning Coronavirus
We are happy to invite you to the second edition of the international Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations conference. This is a three-day event to explore the relations between humans and technologies at the intersection of philosophy, design, ethics, art, and engineering. It is organized by a multidisciplinary group of scholars, chaired by prof. Peter-Paul Verbeek, and hosted by the DesignLab of the University of Twente.
The conference reaches out to anyone interested in understanding, evaluating and shaping the relations between humans and technology, ranging from philosophers and ethicists of technology to social scientists, humanities scholars, artists, designers, and engineers. We want to bring together a community of people to foster dialogue and creative collaborations on the interactions between humans, technologies and society.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Twente on 5, 6 and 7 November!
Save the date, and please continue to check this website for updates. You can also check #PHTR on Twitter.
The conference aims to:
- Present philosophical work and interdisciplinary research in and on human-technology relations.
- Explore how philosophical, design, and art research can contribute to envisioning the potentials of future human-technology relations.
- Investigate how research in human-technology relations can inform policy making and political agendas, critically and constructively.
We welcome abstract submissions for papers, panels, posters and workshops:
- Papers – abstracts: 250 words, and up to three keywords (20 minutes talk, 10 minutes for discussion).
- Panel proposals – can consist of up to 4 abstracts (see above), should include a general description (200 words) and the CV of participants and organizer.
- Posters – abstract of 250 words, and up to three keywords (bachelor and master students only).
- Workshops (sessions with an active role for all participants) – description of 250 words; please indicate if you have specific requirements.
Abstracts, along with a short CV, can be submitted via the button on top or bottom of this page.
- Postphenomenology – General framework; strengths, limits, and venues for further research
- Knowledge – How technologies help to shape human understandings of the world
- Ethics – How technologies help to shape norms, values, and decisions
- Metaphysics – How technologies influence metaphysical thought
- Engineering & Design – Exploring human-media and human-technology interactions
- Intimate technologies – How technologies reveal new intimacies and give rise to unprecedented vulnerabilities
- Politics – How technologies shape power distribution; technological risks and social/ecological justice
- Techno Environments – How technologies transform and become our milieus
- Art – How technologies mediate imagination, and allow new possibilities of artistic expression
- Posthumanism(s) – How technology and the human being merge
- Techno-cultural pluralism – How our lifeworld is technologically transformed across various cultures
- Responsible Design and Innovation – How technologies enable and challenge policy making and interdisciplinary research
- …
- June 1, 2020: Deadline for submission of abstracts
- September 1, 2020: Deadline for Early-Birds registration
DesignLab is a multidisciplinary platform at the University of Twente, to connect science and society through design. Societal challenges from environmental and (ethical) health questions to rapidly evolving technology – bring forward tensions that cannot be resolved with traditional models of innovation. That’s where DesignLab comes into play. We are a collaborative platform for creative changemakers, firmly rooted across the University of Twente ecosystem. DesignLab connects scientific, technological and creative insights, and works on impactful solutions for societal challenges.
For questions and information please contact Michelle de Boer, project manager Technology and Society, via
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